Onionfarms Movie Night

In the process of being set up.
Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Neko Rights Activist

OK I'm a pink cat =UwU=
Remarkable Onion
How? until the ban i assumed he didn't even know who i was, we were always in separate parts of the site, how did i piss off fatty?
but what's the actual content you posted? I mean sure joshy is hypocritical and thin skinned as fuck,he banned me just because I think he is objectively uglier than chris chan which is hilarious but at least understandable.

Not enough minerals Not enough

minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals
Hellovan Onion
View attachment 21769
"No! You!" Vordrak's crypto scam, admitting to threats to kill? The English will never be as smug as you, broom. Get back to sweeping, stop acting like you don't bring this on yourself. Remember what Godwinson said?

Kramer is A Man Da

Remarkable Onion
but what's the actual content you posted? I mean sure joshy is hypocritical and thin skinned as fuck,he banned me just because I think he is objectively uglier than chris chan which is hilarious but at least understandable.
NOTHING! thats what i'm trying to say, its crazy that he banned me when i didn't attack him or say anything controversial about him or the site, this was literally some random deepseated grudge that happened for no reason.


Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
NOTHING! thats what i'm trying to say, its crazy that he banned me when i didn't attack him or say anything controversial about him or the site, this was literally some random deepseated grudge that happened for no reason.
It could be anything. You might have just poz'd/neg'd a random comment, and that set him off. He drinks a lot of soda, eats a lot of junk food. He makes poor decisions. What else to you want? Are you going to be one of those saps that emails him?

You will find we are much more tolerant here
You'd have to be an Ayatollah to be less tolerant.

Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

Mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.

I'm getting too old for this shit.​

This is not a notice of closure. These are my thoughts which will impact the direction of the site moving forward.

I’ve been deeply unhappy this month, perhaps more so than I have ever been since I left the United States in 2018. I find myself trapped in a tenuous and unprofitable position staring down the barrel of 30-years-old, in no better position than I was when I was turning 20-years-old. I have been afraid to say this because I have a large sense of pride, and I have many people rooting against me. It has been important for me for years to save face and maintain a stoic defense against opposition. Now, after much reflection, I realize these people I find myself contending against are all in their 30s and 40s with no personal accomplishments, no wife, and no children. When death finds them, sooner rather than later, they will have left no mark on this earth. Proving them wrong is not something I am concerned of any longer. I feel liberated to express myself freely in this post.

These are the realizations I have come to in the year of 2020 which are now things I must deal with:

1. I want to start a family.
2. I do not consider fighting for “free speech” in and of itself noble or worthwhile.
3. I think the forum has lost what made it special.

I will now address each of these concerns directly.

I want to start a family.

When I was a teenager, I did not value myself very highly. I remember writing at different times that I would find it worthwhile to give my life to save a cat from a tree. Dynastia once wrote about me that I “couldn’t find a hill not worth dying on.” I wore this as a badge of honor. I considered the impact a person has on the world at large, through cultural contribution and direct effect on other people, to be more important rather than offspring.

I am now much older and with a developed sense of self-worth. My priorities are shifting, in part because I am older, in part because I have accomplished much of what I set out to do, and in part because the forum has become a less interesting and less fun place for me. A part of me hopes to see Trump repeal Section 230 in full so that I can throw my hands up and say, “I did all I could”, and move on without the guilt of having ‘lost’.

As the certainty of America’s future and freedom of speech has wane the world over, my certainty over the purpose of life has solidified. I believe it is family. Not a big, extended family, or a small town, but rather the nuclear family with traditional family roles. The husband provides, the woman takes care of the home. I believe popular depictions of traditional families as “creepy” or “oppressive” is a deliberate effort to undermine this system. Unified, heterosexual households with one stay-at-home parent raise children which excel in every category of development.

I will never be able to pursue this adequately so long as I continue to do what I do. I was hoping the world would be a more free place 7 years into the game, and my burden would lessen over time, but it has become a less free place in every possible way.

On free speech.

Fuck it.

If there’s anything I’ve seen in my time here, it is how universally despised my ideology has become. What people truly want is not freedom, they want consistency and convenience. The average person wants today to be like yesterday, and tomorrow to be like today. They do not want a radical website plastering their names and photos all over the place and making fun of them for being shiteaters. Why does my relatively small forum attract an inordinate amount of hate? It inconveniences people.

The Kiwi Farms is not the thing I host that gets the most negative attention. After starting my hosting company and selling services, I’ve received only about a dozen customers. This is to be expected because my VPSs aren’t really the best, or most affordable. They are simply complaint resistant, so the sites I do get have high complaint volumes.

The site I get the most complaints about is an archive site. There is a Russian Craigslist that this website archives. I receive emails every day about this site. I get complaints via email, via Cloudflare, via tickets on my hosting service, directly through the RIR I lease my IPs from, I have people who have put my phone number on Craigslist pretending to sell things I don’t own as “revenge” for hosting this site.

Though this site has no ideas. It is not a publication. It is not some Nazi front – and indeed the sites I host with extremist ideology get far less attention – it is just a fucking archive. It just happens to have a lot of information and phone numbers people want gone and which it does not take down.

Minor convenience is far more important to people than freedom of speech.

That was the big epiphany I got to enjoy after Trump threatened Section 230. The sheer number of people I saw who have ardently enjoyed this site as a platform to be pro-Trump on, when few others afford that liberty, suddenly turn against it was shocking. It became abundantly clear that almost every single user who joined in 2019 and 2020 would gladly throw this site and everything I have ever done under the bus if it meant ‘getting back’ at Silicon Valley. If they got to call Obama a nigger on Twitter, it would be worth it to them.

This complements realizations I have made over the years regarding personal investment. The forum has fifty-thousand users, with over seven thousand logging in every day, but it is I alone who deals with the consequence. When things do get hard, people simply leave. I have seen so many people come over the years, I don’t get to know them anymore. After the hack in September, I barely recognize anyone.

Simply put, no one would ever stick their neck out for me as much as I have stuck my neck out for everyone.

While donations are on an upward trend, and Dick Masterson in particular has taken on an unbelievable burden of trying to enable me to make money through my podcast, what I do earn – even with this help – is incredibly inconsistent and not the kind of financial arrangement I can move forward in life with.

I’ve decided that generosity at personal expense is a mental disorder. I must start being selfish.

The fun factor.

I’ve frequently said that if I was not having fun with the forum, I would close it. At this point in my life, I am having to consider how much fun I have with the forum.

The era of the lolcow is dead. There is no such thing as a lolcow anymore, almost specifically because of this forum. It is too big for its own good, too well indexed for its own good, too well known for its own good. The forum went from a small community that could playfully posit itself as the arch nemesis for dopey people that saw themselves as cartoon character protagonists of their own life, to the Internet’s Eye of Sauron. Our gaze now quickly incinerates a simple person. They go into hiding almost immediately, or the act of observing them changes who they are in a way for the worse.

The enduring categories of the site have become three things: Internet celebrities (who enjoy attention), women (who enjoy attention), and politics (which is fucking cancer and killing the site).

In truth, I enjoy the female areas of the site the most. It’s what closely resembles the original spirit of the forum. It’s not quite the same, but it can be fun.

The Internet celebrities are all just the worst fucking people, and unlike real lolcows they consider the site a stepping stone to cashing in on infamy, and impart on the site their own audience of rabid anti-fans who do not come to have fun but instead further their personal vendettas.

Politics exploded in 2016 and has slowly become a defining feature of the forum. Right-wing politics has turned any discussion of trannies into a communally written manifesto about Jewish influence on society. It is the antithesis of fun, and what should be lighthearted prodding of mentally unstable Buffalo Bill impersonators is instead a ‘culture of critique’ on underlying issues and the political realities that people like Jonathan Yaniv pose to the world. Perhaps this is inevitable, as indeed people like Yaniv specifically are starting to impact lives, courts, and legislation, but it is also undeniably having a negative effect on the site.

Yaniv specifically represents the arc of the site excellently. A small-time lolcow the site became an arch-nemesis of, turns to local celebrity through shenanigans and attracts fucking nutjob anti-fan vigilantes like Henry Case, and then finally evolved into an international circus that devolved his board into Canadian Politics General.

The site is now peaking in traffic because of the riots but it profits the actual community nothing. It is just a place to go because every other place is politically slant in favor of the riots. I can’t bring myself to shut it down because I understand the need for this free discussion, but I can’t bring myself to deal with the consequences of tolerating it as it harms the site. Instead I’ve slowly been removing myself from the community and letting mods take over all duties, which is what Lowtax did before Something Awful began mutating into what it is today.

On the topic of moderators, while we do have some very good new moderators, almost all the old guard left after the hack. The very people who helped make the site and define its culture are now gone and will never come back because what they left was not what they joined in the first place.

Much like how Imageboards have waned in favor of small Discord servers, the people on the original forum have left for their own carefully managed cliques. In part because the site isn’t fun to them anymore, in part because the site is too big to be a true community. It is now a true empire, consolidating hundreds of different groups together. All empires have one thing in common: they fall.

My attempt to open 9chan as a relief for the forum problem of politics has failed. I have seen no adoption of the site from forum users. The culture it has developed is one part fans of my podcast, one part neo-Nazis, one pornography, and two parts people who really seem to only post because they hate me in particular and constantly upload illegal or rule-breaking material only because they know I have to look at it and delete it.

In conclusion, I am left asking myself three questions as a complement to my three problems.

1. How do I move into stability and towards a more fulfilled person?
2. How do I refocus my efforts so my workload is more manageable?
3. How do I have fun again?

This isn’t really a discussion, or questions I am asking the general public. This is just what’s on my mind.

Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

Mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
Yaniv is everything Josh wants to be though, a smug loudmouth nerd self-styled "philosopher" totally devoid of substance who is implausibly respected by libertarian technocrats and C list entertainment people.


Baby Onion
Josh, just remove Kiwifarms if it's become a miserable babysitting website in your eyes. People will obviously cry about it, however your passion for KF obviously died off long ago. Part of me is shocked he still keeps it up, despite the constant deny of service.

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker
Josh, just remove Kiwifarms if it's become a miserable babysitting website in your eyes. People will obviously cry about it, however your passion for KF obviously died off long ago. Part of me is shocked he still keeps it up, despite the constant deny of service.
But Josh isn't this what you wanted (i.e. not be a slave to some corporation)?


Josh, just remove Kiwifarms if it's become a miserable babysitting website in your eyes. People will obviously cry about it, however your passion for KF obviously died off long ago. Part of me is shocked he still keeps it up, despite the constant deny of service.
It's his singular "accomplishment" in life and his sole means of attention whoring. Of course he's never going to let it go. It's a part of him
Just like his fat rolls.


Baby Onion
Josh, just remove Kiwifarms if it's become a miserable babysitting website in your eyes. People will obviously cry about it, however your passion for KF obviously died off long ago. Part of me is shocked he still keeps it up, despite the constant deny of service.
One word: Spite.

Josh is easy to understand once you get how he resents people. If you speak to him nicely he very likely to act, almost, normally,. But as soon as he gets any opposition, like a joke at his expense , or an authority figure telling him what to do, his first instinct is to give you the middle finger.

Do you think he is going to give Keffals the satisfaction? Hell no.

Which is a shame because the best Josh could do with his life is to quit kiwi farms. Maybe pass the torch or whatever if he thinks the site should go on.

Burning bridges, and life opportunities, for pointless internet wars, and just to maintain a freak show/gossip forum online is the literal definition of wasting your life.
Last edited:

Kramer is A Man Da

Remarkable Onion
Josh, just remove Kiwifarms if it's become a miserable babysitting website in your eyes. People will obviously cry about it, however your passion for KF obviously died off long ago. Part of me is shocked he still keeps it up, despite the constant deny of service.
i mean he could just delegate responsibility better, most website "owners" just delegate and rarely check up on the site. although that usually does mean the employees turn on you but its easier on the owners themselves; i'm honestly amazed how often he interacts with the site for a CEO, any business class will tell you that much interaction with the plebs actually hurts companies rather than helps it for the most part. if this wasn't a website but a restaurant or store with the same amount of daily visitors no bank would give him any stay either.
One word: Spite.

Josh is easy to understand once you get how he resents people. If you speak to him nicely he very likely to act, almost, normally,. But as soon as he gets any opposition, like a joke at his expense , or an authority figure telling him what to do, his first instinct is to give you the middle finger.

Do you think he is going to give Keffals the satisfaction? Hell no.

Which is a shame because the best Josh could do with his life is to quit kiwi farms. Maybe pass the torch or whatever if he thinks the site should go on.

Burning bridges, and life opportunities, for pointless internet wars, and just to maintain a freak show/gossip forum online is the literal definition of wasting your life.
A great example of this people forget is his ss13 server arc, Despite all the other shit going on, because he didn't like the updates in an open source game he decided to create his own server and try and get people to migrate over to his and have it become the dominant server, it didn't last but it just shows how off his mentality is, he was more willing to reside in a server with a dozen people tops than join with the greater community all over pretty mild slights.
I agree that he should pass the torch, but the likelihood of that happening is nilch.
its not even passing the torch, but delegating better, have other people just help him with the tech or coding and others with bans and controlling the forum. the fact that he has to argue with every asshole that emails the admin is insane, especially if the site is as big and famous as it currently is. treat it like any other website, the ceo isn't handling customer service and tech support at this size. you think Andrew Breitbart was doing customer service for his websites? when you're dealing with thousands of emails it becomes your job vs the actual site itself.

its one thing to do this when its a small forum with a userbase of less than 100, like EDF or O&A but 10k people daily and its an entirely different story, thats superwalmart territory, now imagine if a manager of a superwalmart was doing all the customer service, dealing with the cops, and answering the emails, and dealing with stock.

the difference of course is that managers of superwalmarts make 200k and don't "do it for free"

Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

Mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
i mean he could just delegate responsibility better, most website "owners" just delegate and rarely check up on the site. although that usually does mean the employees turn on you but its easier on the owners themselves; i'm honestly amazed how often he interacts with the site for a CEO, any business class will tell you that much interaction with the plebs actually hurts companies rather than helps it for the most part. if this wasn't a website but a restaurant or store with the same amount of daily visitors no bank would give him any stay either.

A great example of this people forget is his ss13 server arc, Despite all the other shit going on, because he didn't like the updates in an open source game he decided to create his own server and try and get people to migrate over to his and have it become the dominant server, it didn't last but it just shows how off his mentality is, he was more willing to reside in a server with a dozen people tops than join with the greater community all over pretty mild slights.

its not even passing the torch, but delegating better, have other people just help him with the tech or coding and others with bans and controlling the forum. the fact that he has to argue with every asshole that emails the admin is insane, especially if the site is as big and famous as it currently is. treat it like any other website, the ceo isn't handling customer service and tech support at this size. you think Andrew Breitbart was doing customer service for his websites? when you're dealing with thousands of emails it becomes your job vs the actual site itself.

its one thing to do this when its a small forum with a userbase of less than 100, like EDF or O&A but 10k people daily and its an entirely different story, thats superwalmart territory, now imagine if a manager of a superwalmart was doing all the customer service, dealing with the cops, and answering the emails, and dealing with stock.

the difference of course is that managers of superwalmarts make 200k and don't "do it for free"
Who cares