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Topics of Interest

What are you eating?

Pottage made from pancetta, black pudding, broccoli, sweet potato, and a few herbs and spices. IMG_20231103_174420_kindlephoto-7215878.jpg
And the old standard...
Chocolate and banana cake.
ur gonna be on a train for a COUPLE DAYS? jfc
Meh, having grown up a poorfag who relied on Greyhound I don't remotely mind. I had the option to fly but these long trips are an extremely pleasant way to see America.
I packed my router with me so hopefully I get a few bites lol
I made beef and veggie stew because it got cold again+sounded like a good idea after discussing burger boiling.
I'm eating Mrs. T's pierogies. Four cheese medley flavored. For some reason I decided to dip them in a little barbecue sauce tonight. Holy fuck.... (Chef's kiss)