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aka a fancy taco.
I made chile verde pork roast but I forgot the hominy so i made a few tacos and added some pickled radishes I made today , instead of just having the stew as is. i really liked it since I haven't made it in a few years , so it was ncie, 😋

saved it for later in the freezer and for when I eventually get some hominy lol
i made burgers with some stuff i had in the fridge . arugula, ,mayo , pickled onions, hot sauce , 4 blend shredded cheese , green onion, they were pretty good I got a nice sear on them even though I pulled them off too early as they were kinda more rare than I like but eh it could be worse.
japanese style fried chicken, kimchi on top with 15 hour potatoes
ngl i lost like half of my batch of taytoes cause I never made this before as i moved it too much when i was frying it but its nice for sure , crunchy outside soft inside.