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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Crimson Fucker

An Onion Among Onions
Josh enjoys being angry. It's an essential part of his /pol/tard grindset. He feeds on (and sneeds) negativity.
I think people misunderstand why I'm so contrarian here but a lot of time the criticism being levied against KF and Josh is just nonsensical seething, which just strengthens any onlookers resolve to stay in the cult. The best revenge possible against Josh is to weaken his hold over the user base
Reason: You passed up an opportunity to make a feed and sneed joke.


An Onion Among Onions
He's got that thug shaker.
josh thug shaker.png


Hellovan Onion
View attachment 55928
Posted onto the thread "Why is Null so bitter about America?".

Weren't the Irish typically considered the lesser back in the day? Every American today is some mongrel. I see people whiter than Americans coming out of South America now. And they surely have some Portugese/Spanish/Japanese and South American tribe blood in them.

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Chrysler Building

Hellovan Onion
Weren't the Irish typically considered the lesser back in the day? Every American today is some mongrel. I see people whiter than Americans coming out of South America now. And they surely have some Portugese/Spanish/Japanese and South American tribe blood in them.

The irish were considered negros despite being white due to their lip shape or whatever. Then Italians were smeared as negros all the way up to a lynching of an Italian man in the 1980s. That's why Christopher Columbus Day became a thing because the federal government was trying to normalize Italians to the population.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
@thefrogninja JFC, the comment section underneath that Substack article - which is 100+ comments by now - and it is such a dumsterfire. Check this:


It's literally just racists and troons dogpiling eachother.

Almost no one is going into Null's actual claims in this article and debunking them with evidence. I almost wanna make a Substack account to fight Null on his own turf, but I'm pretty sure he would just delete my comment the moment he realizes it's me calling him out on his "let's confederate, let's have a far right EFF" Kumbaiya bullshit with actual receipts of how he actually treats other people in the free speech sphere.

Null, the reason why Rumble doesn't listen to you when you keep telling them to stop using Path is because they fucking know what a snake you are. No matter how sound your arguments are, you entirely deservedly have a rotten reputation amongst those who logically would've been on your side.

It could've been 100+ comments like this one, but alas:

Asher May 17
You Kiwis should get used to this whiny incel typing a lot more word salad about people he hates in the coming years because that's what he's going to be doing with 150k you flushed down the toilet instead of actually suing anyone. He knows he can't make any case about why influencing a company as an activist is grounds for a lawsuit so he will never go after Liz. If he could then his backroom friendship with Epik would be equally grounds for a lawsuit. Hey Josh too bad your Mom's boyfriend didn't also lock you into the burning house.

Sam Redlark I hope this is of help May 17 edited May 17
A phrase that I first heard during GamerGate, when it was commonly used to describe the approach taken by what are broadly and pejoratively referred to as Social Justice Warriors, is: 'No bad tactics, only bad targets.'

What that means in practice is that once you are on the radar of this nest of sociopaths, there is very little that they won't stoop to, in order to not only to silence you, but to break your life beyond all hope of repair. This will include resorting to the same tactics that they claim are used against themselves, usually without providing any proof. They think nothing of going after the family members of their targets, in fact loved ones are often there first point of attack. It is disgusting; in many cases, if not criminal and conspiratorial, then certainly close to it.

Standing up to these people, and the corporate and technological infrastructure that they have buttressed around themselves, is going to require a more united front. It can't just be Kiwi Farm here, a guy in a data centre there, a sympathetic lawyer somewhere over there. Nobody in isolation can withstand indefinitely the pressure that these people are willing and able to bring to bear. If an avaricious cabal of gleefully cruel individuals can put aside their contempt for one another in pursuit of a common malevolent goal, then what does it say about the people who stand against them if they cannot unify into a coherent opposition?

Crimson Fucker

An Onion Among Onions
The irish were considered negros despite being white due to their lip shape or whatever. Then Italians were smeared as negros all the way up to a lynching of an Italian man in the 1980s. That's why Christopher Columbus Day became a thing because the federal government was trying to normalize Italians to the population.
They would have been more correct if they said they were part middle eastern.
Reason: Same applies to the Spanish.


An Onion Among Onions
I almost wanna make a Substack account to fight Null on his own turf, but I'm pretty sure he would just delete my comment the moment he realizes it's me calling him out on his "let's confederate, let's have a far right EFF" Kumbaiya bullshit with actual receipts of how he actually treats other people in the free speech sphere.
You should do it :feels: just don't use your moniker. I am unsure if Josh even has the power to delete comments. I imagine he only has the power to turn them on or off, but it would look incredibly bitch-made to turn them off so he keeps it on.
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VAIDS Victim

So warm and tender was never the night 🌙
Hellovan Onion