• Our Onionfarms merchandise store is now open. All are welcome. https://onionmart.printify.me

    Tired of Null's temper tantrums? It's better with the Kengle. If you can rock with us, you are one of us.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Gaylord Socker

Giver of willies
Baby Onion
k guys, calm down. that's enough
"Nuuuuuu. Stop bantzing a pedantic+thin skinned+fat gunted fag that's a few dozen ouchie stickers away from running back to Josh's sweaty embrace"
Weak people constantly demand that reality be nerfed until they can exist comfortably. This applies to this blubbering blubber tweaker as much as it does the tranny obsessed Kiwis.


Baby Onion
joshy opines on the AR "problem"
View attachment 51396
It's not just AR, it's other women, too. Looking for a wife to start a family, btw.
He's got a point to a degree, but I hope he isn't lumping me in with those guys. I argued just as much with HHH, but Null and other mods specifically complained about me about doing so, even resulting in a temporary ban.

They're two of the worst libtards around and should be relentlessly called retards regardless of their genitals.

Ferengi of Romania

Buy my updated Rules of Acquisition
Baby Onion
He's got a point to a degree, but I hope he isn't lumping me in with those guys. I argued just as much with HHH, but Null and other mods specifically complained about me about doing so, even resulting in a temporary ban.

They're two of the worst libtards around and should be relentlessly called retards regardless of their genitals.
He's been banning a lot of the better posters because he ODed on HRT or Lidl's bussy.


An Onion Among Onions
He's got a point to a degree, but I hope he isn't lumping me in with those guys. I argued just as much with HHH, but Null and other mods specifically complained about me about doing so, even resulting in a temporary ban.

They're two of the worst libtards around and should be relentlessly called retards regardless of their genitals.
Would you describe Kiwifarms as a right wing website?

youthful_ shannel

Hellovan Onion
He's got a point to a degree, but I hope he isn't lumping me in with those guys. I argued just as much with HHH, but Null and other mods specifically complained about me about doing so, even resulting in a temporary ban.

They're two of the worst libtards around and should be relentlessly called retards regardless of their genitals.
you used to be cool, now you're a faggot. sad.


Hellovan Onion
It does host a lot of users posting about how they wish they could be raped by trannies and whining about how they don't get laid; predominantly a right wing activity at this point

The "right wingers" hang out mainly in A&H. I say "right wing" because they aren't that right wing, they just support their online team of right wing online pundits. Being the mirror image of the "left wingers" elsewhere on the site that support the left wing online pundits. Both can get enraged when you poke holes their personal saints and downloaded talking points.

Jetstream Sharpe

Remarkable Onion
Someone should get boss man jack to collab with jdanks. Wonder how joshy will feel about that


Baby Onion
Would you describe Kiwifarms as a right wing website?
I wouldn't, it seems fairly diverse. A poll's results suggested as much also. But by modern Internet standards it may as well be a far-right site because you can express non-leftist views without it being an automatic ban.

you used to be cool, now you're a faggot. sad.
I resent this, I was never cool.

Gaylord Socker

Giver of willies
Baby Onion
Would you consider Josh as right-wing and that many users uncritically take after him?
I know you ain't talking to me but yes, Josh is economically right and socially libertarian, with a couple caveats solely based around covering up his bisexuality


High performance shitposting
An Onion Among Onions
I know you ain't talking to me but yes, Josh is economically right and socially libertarian, with a couple caveats solely based around covering up his bisexuality
View attachment 51503
He whines constantly that the government needs to increase how much it meddles with private businesses and people's lives, so long as it's other people's lives and businesses. He's no better than a full blown commie and certainly not any kind of lolbertarian.

Gaylord Socker

Giver of willies
Baby Onion
He whines constantly that the government needs to increase how much it meddles with private businesses and people's lives, so long as it's other people's lives and businesses. He's no better than a full blown commie and certainly not any kind of lolbertarian.
I do hate to be seen disagreeing with you...
I think the only answer is his espoused beliefs are mercurial at best, though I still stand by my position that his entire worldview is centered around his O.D.D
And Libertarianism is political ODD.
Where would you plot him on the standard political compass, if not right leaning, centrist Libertarian?


High performance shitposting
An Onion Among Onions
I do hate to be seen disagreeing with you...
I think the only answer is his espoused beliefs are mercurial at best, though I still stand by my position that his entire worldview is centered around his O.D.D
And Libertarianism is political ODD.
Where would you plot him on the standard political compass, if not right leaning, centrist Libertarian?
I don't see left/right as a being all that useful these days. There's very little actual difference between the "left side" and "right side" of politics any more - best case they differ by the degree they want to absolutely fuck you, but that's it.

Josh is a thwarted manchild so loves throwing his (considerable) weight around. If he thought sucking up to a powerful state would help him get his own way then he'd be running outside to wave the hammer & sickle flag and sing The Internationale as fast as his chubby little legs could carry him.

Gaylord Socker

Giver of willies
Baby Onion
I don't see left/right as a being all that useful these days.
Well no, breaking people down into a red team vs blue team dichotomy is nonsense. Even the political compass is shallow when trying to quantify what someone believes in but I do think of right v left as an economic spectrum, and he's a ruthless shekel grubbing fag, so I call him right.
But yes, I think it's safe to say Josh is a weasel who will slip into whatever mode suits him best in the moment. Yesteryear he was a degenerate anarchist, yesterday he was libertarian, a few hours ago he was a wignat /pol/tard, today he's a male feminist (read:predator).
I wonder what stupid online ideology he'll espouse tomorrow?


Hellovan Onion
Yesteryear he was a degenerate anarchist, yesterday he was libertarian, a few hours ago he was a wignat /pol/tard, today he's a male feminist (read:predator).
I wonder what stupid online ideology he'll espouse tomorrow?
True, I think Josh sits on the "whatever helps my site and my ranch cult im trying to form" political party. He's increasingly moving towards the same grifting behaviors and opinion shifting that he derides other online personalities of.

universe adventurer

explorer of the unknown, vast universe
An Onion Among Onions
You mean like these guys? https://member.tnm.me/
going back to this reply Ken has made. apparently their website was made using WordPress. to make matter worse, their WordPress admin login page is exposed wide open to the public. meaning that anyone can visit their admin login page and gain access to their WordPress cpanel.

for anyone wondering, if a wordpress site doesn't lock/secure its admin login page then anyone can easily take over the site by typing wp-admin at the end of the site's domain. for example:


Baby Onion
Would you consider Josh as right-wing and that many users uncritically take after him?
He complains about "poltards" like libshits do, but sure, he's still nominally right-wing. He'd probably be considered a libertarian a decade ago.

By take after him do you mean his fanboys? He certainly has a contingent of them.