Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Battle of Brainiac

Janny disrespecter
Hellovan Onion

Josh is shocked that as soon as he announces getting the server back up (again but not really because hes a retard) it somehow gets ddosed to death again!

Its almost like Josh hasn’t actually changed any of his servers to brand new ones that noone knows or bought a firewall block hardware like this.
Firewall ddos block

Or something like this
Ddos mitigation block

Or since “Dear Leader” has amazing paypigs they can just dump a quarter of million dollars on the ultimate FuckYou ddos firewall block
Rich person’s ddos protection

Its almost like since the beginning josh has not changed his actual hardware out or bought new servers or did anything different at all. He just keeps rehosting the site on 1 single blade that the anti kf army has the literal serial numbers on the back of that data rack at this point and hopes they will just stop beating him.

Its time to stop Null. If you REALLY want to rehost kf again, rename the entire thing and rebrand completely. Legally change your name. Legally make a new silent llc. DFE your social media accounts and just start new again. Thats all you can do. You fucked up Josh hard and gave tranny fags a win and learned nothing. You are practicing the definition of insanity at the end of the day while lying to your core fanbase that you are super duper elite computer man battling a troon army!

Reality is youre a lolcow retard degen broke dick idiot who cant code for shit and has no idea what you are doing. The shit you are writing to everyone daily on Telegram is reminding me of your spergout sessions over Infinity Next.

Its time to retire.

Not enough minerals Not enough

minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals
Hellovan Onion
He said he had a huge plan to own the trannies epic style this monday.
It's tuesday in all of Europe, where he supposedly is, and soon it will be on the West.

Where's this big BTFO Josh?

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker


An Onion Among Onions
Josh bans a user because he's paranoid, undoes the ban, and the guy rightfully shits down his throat for all to see. Josh then refers to his users as "belligerent retards" which is true.
paranoid josh.png

Blaine Gaven Ross

annoying skitzo pedo groomer troon
SpergCage Resident
One thing i do not get is why is he deleting the user info from posts if he was gonna do that all along why not just make an anonymous like an imageboard

Kramer is A Man Da

Remarkable Onion
One thing i do not get is why is he deleting the user info from posts if he was gonna do that all along why not just make an anonymous like an imageboard
i assume he isn't deleting all the user info, he'll just replace usernames with a unique ID, precisely because it wouldn't make sense to make it full anonymous, so much of the farms involves arguing that it would be hard to read if there isn't something to signify different users

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Someone is still sipping the Frozen Peach-ade. Hands up if you think every time joshy hears/reads "Muh Freedumbf uh Spedch" he gets an eye tic like Dreyfus in that Pink Panther movie.