Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms


An Onion Among Onions
Sorry the inquiry was in reference to Ralph. Not Cody.
Lolcow Ethan Ralph isn't on a registry, sex crimes don't really exist in Virginia, and Ralph wasn't charged with revenge porn, but getting 3 strikes for "Unlawful dissemination or sale of images of another" (the crime he pled no contest to) can put Ralph on a registry. If Ralph fought this instead of pleading no contest he'd probably have won but Ralph is an idiot.





Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker
View attachment 14385
I can only imagine this was added by a kiwi because its so barebones compared to everything else on ralphs wikipedia and it links to an article instead of a court document,
View attachment 14386
but I do remember he pleaded no contest to this , and the vickers decided not to press the matter further, so he counted it as a Win in his book because he didn't go to jail again.

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker
A plea was the best thing for all parties. A protracted legal battle would have driven Ralph into debt if not outright bankrutcy. Ralph gets to walk away without having to go on a registry and move on with his Killstream. In return Vickers gets assurances of child support payments. If Josh thinks he's going to see Ralph's smiling face on a sex offender registry he's delusional. But considering that he somehow thinks the state or local police are his personal army this doesn't surprise me.


`he who laughs last laughs best`
As someone that lurked here for a bit I see a few things that make this site not the most appealing. KF's Highlight system is very nice and would have saved me time from reading the 149 pages. The userbase is small enough that you could probably have a Janny manually tag post as highlights instead of trying to develop something.
I'll take a look in the admin panel.


Anyone who says "I have no regrets [in life]" is coping hard and/or completely belligerent to the consequences of their actions. This is common sense that anyone with a brain understands. No one lives life "completely free" from regrets.

Josh is retarded.

Also LOL the implication that he operates on principals, as in a set of consistent higher moral values, which have helped him avoid long term know, like being singled out by financial institutions across the globe and being dropped like hot lead from internet carriers/etc. Those long term problems he routinely bitches about. He's managed to avoid those.

Also, what principals? He spams the N word and wignat anti-interracial romance posts across pages of his site, especially the Metokur one, before blaming /pol/ for ruining his website with politics. He openly hates pedophiles and lists all anime as pedophilic despite the company he keeps and things he's done.
Best of all, he rants about PPP and Ralph doxing people only to openly say in threads on his website that he's fine with his mods or other users doxing users who say complain about him in private off-site Discord groups.
mod dox kiwifarms.png

Seriously, what principals?

Japan Enjoyer

Anyone who says "I have no regrets [in life]" is coping hard and/or completely belligerent to the consequences of their actions. This is common sense that anyone with a brain understands. No one lives life "completely free" from regrets.

Josh is retarded.

Also LOL the implication that he operates on principals, as in a set of consistent higher moral values, which have helped him avoid long term know, like being singled out by financial institutions across the globe and being dropped like hot lead from internet carriers/etc. Those long term problems he routinely bitches about. He's managed to avoid those.

Also, what principals? He spams the N word and wignat anti-interracial romance posts across pages of his site, especially the Metokur one, before blaming /pol/ for ruining his website with politics. He openly hates pedophiles and lists all anime as pedophilic despite the company he keeps and things he's done.
Best of all, he rants about PPP and Ralph doxing people only to openly say in threads on his website that he's fine with his mods or other users doxing users who say complain about him in private off-site Discord groups.
View attachment 14508
Seriously, what principals?
This is from the vtuber thread right? He banned that thread with no warning and it was only after multiple Jannies called him a retard that he put it back up.

Honestly the vtuber thread is one of the most positive lights on KF and could be open to more money for the farms or null if he didn't handle it like a retard. Even on youtube videos for clippers people will say to go to KF if you want good discussion.
I further go back to Null seething about Japan and most Asians is that he prob tried hitting on a Jap girl and got rejected or bullied by them.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Seriously, what principals?
OIP (7).jpeg
"These are my principles,
If you don't like them...
I have others."

It must be hard for Joshy. You're whole self worth... All wrapped up in ass pat stickers from shut-ins and nonce s. He's said before he has trouble trusting people.

I mentioned before about there was some very sus revisionism about NP2 recently.

Let's be straight Joshy. NP2 tanked because of YOU. Yeah, Dax is dodgy, Ralph is dodgy, hell, I don't give a shit about Metocuck and his internet bride sex worker wife, he's dodgy as well.

But you Joshy, you have been consistently associated with sites that host CP.

That's why you find it hard to monetize. You've been doxing your paypigs, to the feds, for years. That's what happens when you do dumb (and would get you a spanking down the rough end of the market, from 99.9999999% of the world's population) shit.

People (and joshys soxks) will try and say "oh but that was years ago, he was a kid".

I advise those people to go into the pubs and bars of the working class and say that shit.

OIP (5).jpeg
" Null, he regrette rien"

like a psychopath.


This is from the vtuber thread right? He banned that thread with no warning and it was only after multiple Jannies called him a retard that he put it back up.
He and his sicophants claimed it was because of lolicon or something, which is what he/they always claim to have a pretense of moral high ground.
He also claimed the PPP thread was becoming toxic, though in truth if was because people kept meming pizza day jokes at him and mocking him for failing his weight loss challenge that he started and backed away from.
And his bitching about how terrible it is for White men to date non-Whites or whatever in the Metokur thread got people on his case so he turned that around, too, claiming it was becoming a circle-jerk for Jim, so he made it a Jim a-log thread.

It's a trend.
Honestly the vtuber thread is one of the most positive lights on KF and could be open to more money for the farms or null if he didn't handle it like a retard. Even on youtube videos for clippers people will say to go to KF if you want good discussion.
People get suckered in by the MATI streams and start posting only to become disillusioned by the politically hostile mod staff and Josh behaving like an inconsistent BPD grifting sped, so then they turn on him and he shuts down regs. It's a cycle, and since he doesn't delete accounts each abandoned account is used by him to delusionally claim his site is growing.
I further go back to Null seething about Japan and most Asians is that he prob tried hitting on a Jap girl and got rejected or bullied by them.
He is continually growing worse about anything remotely anime and/or sexual. If I recall he once said in chat or something that he wanted to get chemically castrated and take pills to lower his libido, not even a joke. He even got on a newer user's case because they had an avatar of cleavage or something. Not even anime, just regular cleavage.

Some kind of actual mental problem is rising up in Josh about sex. I get the anime thing since he was once so deep into shota hentai that he was gay for another user on Blockland and folks like Ralph never let him live it down, and no one buys his "it was just an edgy meme" lie about it either. So he's got a complex about anime now. Plus a lot of alt-right has become very anti-anime due to them perceiving anime as being non-White culture and pro-trans somehow. They are obsessed with how others think about them in their in-groups despite being mostly or nearly middle aged men, like Josh.

tl;dr Josh has problems and adopts a lot of his makeshift personality from disparate sources, especially the alt-right despite his protests when this is pointed out, and he also has a shame complex in general but especially about his neko shota days because his enemies never let anyone forget about that, so I get his weird anime thing, but his growing problem with the female form in general? Like, he keeps bitching about people trying to turn his site into a porn site or something but it's just a cleavage avatar dude. He's about a foot away from randomly screaming "DIRTY PILLOWS!!" like Carrie's mom.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
general but especially about his neko shota days because his enemies never let anyone forget about that
Because those days aren't gone. Joshy (and his own guntguard) cannot grasp the fact that EVERYONE KN OWS HE'S STILL UP TO IT*. He makes Pedmenco look like a saint in comparison.

*You don't stop being a nonce, you don't stop being gay.


He is continually growing worse about anything remotely anime and/or sexual. If I recall he once said in chat or something that he wanted to get chemically castrated and take pills to lower his libido, not even a joke. He even got on a newer user's case because they had an avatar of cleavage or something. Not even anime, just regular cleavage.
That's hilarious (I'm going to assume you're telling the truth.)
One thing to remember is that Josh has actually seen a bit of anime himself. He's explicitly stated he's seen WataMote, Lucky Star, and Serial Experiments Lain. I have a few thoughts as to why he hates anime so much:
  • Could be a legitimate loli/shotacon and feels guilty about it. Keep in mind loli is a spectrum which ranges from teenage-looking girls with broad hips and tits to borderline traced CP creepiness. Even if he only fapped to the edge of the spectrum with mature looking girls, he'd still be fapping to loli in his mind.
  • Had bad experiences interacting with /a/ and/or /jp/, or perhaps just general anime fans. Wouldn't blame him if this was the case since those boards are filled with legitimate subhumans who have nothing in life and never will be anything other than angry fucks on the internet who'll rage at your tastes (and lack thereof). Some of the worst users on his site are part of the anime cliques (Like Tetra and all the other weirdos with a post-score ratio of 80 since they circlejerk each other in PMs everyday)
  • Equates all anime with trannies since trannies tend to use anime profile pictures and art in their posts.
  • Maybe he just really hates anime like some people hate cartoons such as Steven Universe for perceived political undertones. Seeing as Josh is just a basic bitch /pol/ user, this probably contributes to it.


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Anyone who says "I have no regrets [in life]" is coping hard and/or completely belligerent to the consequences of their actions. This is common sense that anyone with a brain understands. No one lives life "completely free" from regrets.

Josh is retarded.

Also LOL the implication that he operates on principals, as in a set of consistent higher moral values, which have helped him avoid long term know, like being singled out by financial institutions across the globe and being dropped like hot lead from internet carriers/etc. Those long term problems he routinely bitches about. He's managed to avoid those.

Also, what principals? He spams the N word and wignat anti-interracial romance posts across pages of his site, especially the Metokur one, before blaming /pol/ for ruining his website with politics. He openly hates pedophiles and lists all anime as pedophilic despite the company he keeps and things he's done.
Best of all, he rants about PPP and Ralph doxing people only to openly say in threads on his website that he's fine with his mods or other users doxing users who say complain about him in private off-site Discord groups.
View attachment 14508
Seriously, what principals?
LOL, he's mad theyre asking him to clean uo the mess he helped make.


Baby Onion
Anyone who says "I have no regrets [in life]" is coping hard and/or completely belligerent to the consequences of their actions. This is common sense that anyone with a brain understands. No one lives life "completely free" from regrets.

Josh is retarded.

Also LOL the implication that he operates on principals, as in a set of consistent higher moral values, which have helped him avoid long term know, like being singled out by financial institutions across the globe and being dropped like hot lead from internet carriers/etc. Those long term problems he routinely bitches about. He's managed to avoid those.

Also, what principals? He spams the N word and wignat anti-interracial romance posts across pages of his site, especially the Metokur one, before blaming /pol/ for ruining his website with politics. He openly hates pedophiles and lists all anime as pedophilic despite the company he keeps and things he's done.
Best of all, he rants about PPP and Ralph doxing people only to openly say in threads on his website that he's fine with his mods or other users doxing users who say complain about him in private off-site Discord groups.
View attachment 14508
Seriously, what principals?
What a butthurt faggot he is. "You can't talk about me off site ? You can't do that." Eat Shit, Jewsh lol


An Onion Among Onions
Some guy got swatted and the users want it featured and Josh doesn't want to because it promotes swatting and the users argue it "wasn't really a swatting." Josh is correct here, but to refer to the "zeitgeist" of a lolcow thread is funny and he is never this upset when his users argue obstensibly with lolcow Ethan Ralph, who's been sweatted dozens of times, that he wasn't really swatted.

C.S.O. esq

"Use the shady russian site for my donos goy don't ask questions and ignore user reviews"
View attachment 13988
lol already flaws with it's api becoming apparent. josh paypigs getting fed into a meat grinder or janny josh a greedy incompetent K I K E? who can say?
The bigger issue here is him getting revenge on PPP by concerntrolling powerchat by insinuating it's a shady federal honeypot that collects user data and gives it to the feds wothout evidence, then shills his "totally not shady" donationalerts which has had multiple people come forward and say charges were placed on their cards after having used donationalerts along with donationalerts getting poor reviews. He handwaves these concerns saying "IT'S NAWT TROOO just use privacy cards lol" which is good advice. However, this advice can also be given to powerchat. Josh never gave powerchat the out he gives himself and that's because his enemies (PPP, Nick Fuentes, lolcow Ethan Ralph) use it.
nah goy just trust the slavman with your credit info, don't ask questions
View attachment 14175
If you dont want to be a slave to the whims of corrupt satanic catholic pedophile politicians you are a pedophile according to null.
he's right. lolberts are all degenerates AND nerds