Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

The Daiymo General

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
Ethan sounds high/medicated during these segments. I like him better when he's performing and energetic, like when he was the Laughing Dayimo or his Rusty Spatula character. When he's just himself he sounds very bored, lethargic and low energy, probably because of the drugs (legal/illegal?).
I'd be quicker to believe he's on anti-depressants than dope but who knows?
He completely ate shit when he tried to come at Godwinson, which is depressing enough. But actually deleting his channel and going dark for a hot minute? I'd bet he kept getting swatted (like on his wedding day) and his wife gave him an ultimatum. If she was gone I'd imagine he'd come back with actual content instead of playing second fiddle to the most boring image board owner on the internet.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
He completely ate shit when he tried to come at Godwinson, which is depressing enough. But actually deleting his channel and going dark for a hot minute? I'd bet he kept getting swatted (like on his wedding day) and his wife gave him an ultimatum. If she was gone I'd imagine he'd come back with actual content instead of playing second fiddle to the most boring image board owner on the internet.

TBH, I am glad Maggie is keeping him in check, I shudder to think what he'd be like if he didn't get married at a young age.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
TBH, I am glad Maggie is keeping him in check, I shudder to think what he'd be like if he didn't get married at a young age.
She's got to be a really good woman to put up with as much as she has. Imagine getting your wedding swatted because the man you love wanted to be a z-celeb. Idk, I don't get the impression that he's a bad dude but he didn't have the sense to stay far away from Aksel, so he could have fallen in with literally any sort of bad crowd.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
She's got to be a really good woman to put up with as much as she has. Imagine getting your wedding swatted because the man you love wanted to be a z-celeb. Idk, I don't get the impression that he's a bad dude but he didn't have the sense to stay far away from Aksel, so he could have fallen in with literally any sort of bad crowd.

I saw where this was heading when I saw that footage of them being borderline homoerotic with one another with Mormon Shaggie pretending to be above it all while he was both a witness and an enabler to whatever was happening during that trip of theirs.

When his public feud with DJ Axel over Nina the dead kitty was happening, I almost went into Ethan's Discord to confront him directly about his bullshit with DJ Axel, but Ethan nuked the Discord before I had a chance to. Not that I would be able to talk some sense into him , but I wanted him to know how fucking immature he was being for, you know, an actually married working man.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
I saw where this was heading when I saw that footage of them being borderline homoerotic with one another with Mormon Shaggie pretending to be above it all while he was both a witness and an enabler to whatever was happening during that trip of theirs.
Yeah, all of that was fucked. Just utterly shameful all around.
When his public feud with DJ Axel over Nina the dead kitty was happening, I almost went into Ethan's Discord to confront him directly about his bullshit with DJ Axel, but Ethan nuked the Discord before I had a chance to. Not that I would be able to talk some sense into him , but I wanted him to know how fucking immature he was being for, you know, an actually married working man.
The Nina incident was honestly kino. Not because I liked what was going on but because it was probably the only humanizing moment I've seen from either of them. Aksel's buried himself in an avalanche of "irony" to the point I don't know what he actually believes about anything but seeing him get so torn up about that cat made me like him again, just for a minute.
Ethan's end of the exchange was good too because it's rare to catch nearly real time troll's remorse set in.


An Onion Among Onions
Ethan sounds high/medicated during these segments. I like him better when he's performing and energetic, like when he was the Laughing Dayimo or his Rusty Spatula character. When he's just himself he sounds very bored, lethargic and low energy, probably because of the drugs (legal/illegal?).
He signed off on the stream in the old way, "I'm big baby!"