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Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon: the Psychology

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Can the real Josh Moon please stand up?
Hey everybody, I found something amazing.
Reason: Website Issues
Hey, I am a Catholic. I approve of my current pope. This begs the question. How spiritual is this man's psychology?

I wonder if he believes in "Trans-personal" psychology as well.


  • popekiwi.JPG
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I use to go on a sister forum to the blockland forum a while ago. According to the people on the blockland forum, he was seen as the laughing stock of the forum when he was a lot younger and he got constantly banned from it. I am thinking the thing that happened is he developed a narcissist ego out of internalized self hatred and a desire to rebel against anything he saw as authority, or trying to control him from his experiences at home and on internet communities ala the blockland forums earlier. He lashed out towards internet targets that were easy bait like Chris Chan and set up the CWC forums as a general way to control his own space, and then found out he can use it as a personal army to wreck as much havoc as possible.
Here's something I wrote a while back about Null's sadism (I don't mean sexual sadism, I mean his sadistic personality):

Null is a self-admitted sadist who is always repressing yet always looking for an outlet for his sadism - hence why he's always fighting Kiwis on the forum, even picking up fights with entire threads. He literally said it in the Blockland posts, "I am a cruel and unusual person" - when someone tells you who they are, you should listen because they know themselves better than you do. Null's problem is that he doesn't have a healthy outlet for his pent up sadism. Sadism is about dominance and control, and Null hasn't found a healthy way to be dominant and in control. He also doesn't understand that to be in control of others, you have to be control of yourself first. The reason why he's far right is because in the far right it's OK to be sadistic towards one specific group of people, so Null thinks that this is an acceptable way to a sadist, to limit your sadism to whatever group the far right has decided should be on the receiving end of their sadism. Null doesn't think that sadism is wrong per se (though I do think he does feel a lot of shame for being sadistic, hence why he seeks power in numbers with other repressed sadists). Null thinks that society is wrong for not allowing him to express his sadism through what he considers to be acceptable outlets, like racism. Null considers racism a relatively harmless form of sadism that shouldn't be repressed but allowed.

Like I said, I'm not into people who try to get Null on the fact that he was a teenage porn addict, because the situation is immensely worse with zoomers. What Null did is horrible but still relatively tame to what's happening to Gen Z getting groomed online as tweens, before they're even teenagers. Zoomers report that they discovered hardcore porn online at 10-11 years of age. Some of them developed porn addictions by the time they were 13. A lot of kids are growing up with a warped sexuality that are even more sadistic than Null's. The problem was always parents refusing to parent and allowing their kids to have early access to online porn, not Null. He said that he craves unconditional love even and despite being cruel and sadistic but he knows that's not how the world works. Someone sadistic and cruel is only attractive to a very specific kind of person, and since Null is in contempt of that person, he's either gonna have to repress or stop being contemptuous of the kind of person who is attracted to sadism and cruelty.
I am telling you that the generation Null grew up in had a lot more fucked up stuff happen because the internet was smaller.
He blames the fact that he's a sexless faggot on being circumcised?

I know that the internet is a very anti-circumcision place but that has to be one of the weirdest getting the tip snipped takes I've ever heard.

I mean I'm circumcised and mine works just fine. Maybe he's just a dork with no socializing skills towards the opposite sex. Or maybe he's just a closet pedophile who cries and doesn't have a sex life because his penis doesn't look like a fist caught in a jacket sleeve.


Also if you doubt for one SECOND that THIS guy either baby sat for his neighbors until he was 25 so he could touch the kids or isn't a straight up queer, you're out of your fuckin MIND.

Look at his goofy ass. He's looks like a sex offender and the child that he was fucking both got in the machine from that movie the fly and became one person.

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He blames the fact that he's a sexless faggot on being circumcised?

I know that the internet is a very anti-circumcision place but that has to be one of the weirdest getting the tip snipped takes I've ever heard.

I mean I'm circumcised and mine works just fine. Maybe he's just a dork with no socializing skills towards the opposite sex. Or maybe he's just a closet pedophile who cries and doesn't have a sex life because his penis doesn't look like a fist caught in a jacket sleeve.


Also if you doubt for one SECOND that THIS guy either baby sat for his neighbors until he was 25 so he could touch the kids or isn't a straight up queer, you're out of your fuckin MIND.

Look at his goofy ass. He's looks like a sex offender and the child that he was fucking both got in the machine from that movie the fly and became one person.

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i think hes gay he kinda look like it could be wrong about it
I am telling you that the generation Null grew up in had a lot more fucked up stuff happen because the internet was smaller.
To give you an example of what I mean, I was prowling through the Blockland forums the other day. I found a thread where the forum's owner, Badspot, publically showed email messages, names, and private social media pictures from concerned parents about the pedos abusing his game to humiliate them instead of actually doing anything serious about it. Badspot himself is a rightwing lolberterian that spends his modern days complaining about women not being hot enough to goon to in video games, but this shows you the difference in internet culture mentality in the early 2010s to how a lot of stuff is nowadays.

So, if you think about it, Null is just emulating Badspot.

> the desire for oppression and censorship appears to be some sort of disease that British people have. I used to think it was funny and something to be ignored but the spread of real government censorship of the internet in first world countries has turned this into a real issue. I have decided to just unload on anyone who suggests that communication should be universally monitored.
> To be clear, she's right - creep Bear is in the game. But it's about as offensive as Chris Hansen, Admiral Ackbar or a Catholic priest. Really, yaranaika is much worse. Actually a Catholic priest is probably in the same category as yaranaika.
> I searched her name and found the picture on facebook. It's not guaranteed to be her but it is suitably British and handicapped looking so it probably is.
Internet libertarian that goons to cartoon women in video games thinks a meme about a gay anime man is worse than memes about pedophiles.
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Internet libertarian that goons to cartoon women in video games thinks a meme about a gay anime man is worse than memes about pedophiles.
null would read about pedophiles and gay men all day on his forum
but he wouldnt dare watch a movie with a tiddy in it lmao
virtues signals about what he wont watch all day while obsessing about it and reading about it all day
what a faggot lmao
In this post I’m going to be diving into who the real Joshua Moon is, and what is behind this tough guy persona he puts up.

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Josh’s parents split up when he was very young. He was taken care of mostly by his mom with help from his grandparents. By the time he was in middle school they had moved out and his mom started working nights. Josh stayed online and taught himself how to code while playing video games, which led to a 13 year old Josh starting to play a game called Blockland. Going by the names of IbanZ, IbanX, Iban, Ichverbot, CityRPG, and Not Important, Josh didn’t get the attention he needed at home, so he made it everyone else’s problem.

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Relationship with Mother

Josh was very neglected growing up. He had an absent father and a mother who he resented for giving birth to him and her bad choices.

“She is a slut who had me at 18. She is the sole reason I'm pro-choice. I'm hoping more whores that got knocked up at her age and would become stuffty parents would abort their kids as opposed to bringing them up miserably” (archive).

“She reminds me constantly about how pathetic I am about about how I suck the last loving slivers of joy out of her mind and how horribly unproud she is that I fell from her womb” (archive).

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His relationship with his mother most likely led to his seething hatred of women.

“I've learned that I don't really like women and if I could choose to be gay, I would. I've learned that the best way to get someone to not want to talk to you is to threaten to murder them (repeatedly)” (archive).

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“I've never felt invested in. I never thought that anyone I knew expected me to succeed” (archive)

Raised by the Internet

Josh has been on image-boards like 4chan since he was 14 years old.

“I've used imageboards since I was 14” (archive).

These online forums and image boards were his only coping mechanism for the misery and self hatred that he experienced, and the neglect he faced in real life.

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Josh learned that the only way that he could get the attention he wanted was through being violent and offensive. Josh comments on how he’s such a disgusting person because he just really wants people to listen to him :( poor joshy-poo

“Growing up, if I ever wanted the attention of my school or parent, I'd have to say something really violent and/or shocking. I had to offend people. This carried over into online life when I was a tween/teen and that sort of grossly offensive use of language still bubbles up when I really want to be listened to” (archive).

Josh started Community College at 17, but dropped out shortly after to pursue job experience.

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In early adulthood, Josh’s home was burned down by an arsonist. The arsonist was his mother’s boyfriend.

Josh’s sexuality

Josh doesn’t enjoy sex. He blames this on his depression and the fact that he is circumcised. Josh claims that he has never had an orgasm from sexual interactions and he can’t feel anything.

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“I've learned that I don't really like women and if I could choose to be gay, I would” (archive).

When Josh was 14, he went through what he calls a “gay phase.” This is the source of the “neko shota” logs.

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God knows what else he was experimenting with, knowing what he was exposed to.

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I haven’t decided if I want to include the below in the op yet, feedback is welcome

Relationship with Pedophilia

Josh grew up in the gutter of the early internet, he has talked extensively about the vile shit he’s seen and what experiences he had growing up.

“I've met out-of-the-closet pedophiles. I've met women that eat their own cervical mucus and whom masturbate by using slugs. I've met people whose biggest fantasy is to have sex with dolphins. I've met sociopaths, budding spree killers, and everyone in between. I've been a pen-pal to a convict with a life sentence, and I've been a shoulder to cry on for an 11 year old girl being raped by her father on a regular basis”

Later on, Josh moderated 8chan, owned 16chan, and now owns kiwi farms. Few will ever understand how much that material must’ve affected his brain, as there are many ways desensitization could manifest.

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One thing that Josh is very adamant about is his belief that pedophiles need to be “contained.”

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Josh hates pedophile lolcows because they aren’t “funny” and people can’t “just laugh”
I wonder how this mindset leaked into the other moderation decisions of the site.

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another thought to sleep on is why his idea of “free speech” led to him allowing some of the most disgusting material on his platforms (see the zoosadist content thread)

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Yeah. Joshua Moon seems to have a really crazy mindset. What's even crazier is his lies and defamation as well. Dude even hosted a freaking pedophile board for crying out loud. He's miserable.

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Lmao goofy ass lookin nigger
Sad thing is any goofy-looking dude like him could totally get some of da gerls, if his personality weren't so repugnant.

A healthy sense of humor- even at your own expense- is something the ladies like in unfortunate face cases with bald peepees.
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Sad thing is any goofy-looking dude like him could totally get some of da gerls, if his personality weren't so repugnant.

A healthy sense of humor- even at your own expense- is something the ladies like in unfortunate face cases with bald peepees.
Tell me about it man I'm not a bad looking guy but I'm horseshoe bald so I have to shave my head. I still never had a problem.

Personality and a sense of humor are everything. Looks fade. Being fucking awesome does not.