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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I would invite both for a debate on onionfarms Sharty vs. Kiwifarms: Who is top dog?

We win. We ALWAYS win!

Well that didn't take long to escalate .. so how long until Josh is declaring total sharty death?
Probably never. Josh is too much of a bitch to ban the Sharty thread since doing so would lead to a massive raid on the site. The last thing xe wants is xir precious BP galpals to be exposed to hundreds of pages of unthumbnailed Nikocado coinslots. So Josh will continue to sit in xir cuck chair as Soychads continue to have month long unthumbnailed soyduels with one another o algo.

View attachment 79873
A thread is in Prospering Grounds for the "White dudes for Harris" group. Null supports making them his concubines, just as Robert O'Neill intended.
Null seems to be making that joke an awful lot lately. Xe made a similar joke about Nick Fuentes a while back.

When someone makes a sexual repeatedly over the course of several months, it's often a sign that the "joke" is actually that person powerleveling about their own fetish (for example, Vaush constantly joking about horse cocks or Amos Yee constantly joking about raping children). It's likely that these "jokes" from Null are xir bragging about xir fetish for forcing young boys to be xir sexual slaves. We already know about xir love for neko shota and xe lived in the Philippines for several years, a country known for having a major problem with child prostitution.

It's only a matter of time until xe opens the wrong folder on stream and reveals xir several terabyte folder of shota hentai.
It's only a matter of time until xe opens the wrong folder on stream and reveals xir several terabyte folder of shota hentai.
Shota is old news, everyone that knows about kiwiFarms knows about his Shota craze.

It's gotta be something else that's so fucked up that he can't janny-sweep it away (he can try but he will fail)
Shota is old news, everyone that knows about kiwiFarms knows about his Shota craze.

It's gotta be something else that's so fucked up that he can't janny-sweep it away (he can try but he will fail)
True, but Clitty Farmers cope by saying that Josh's shota and femboy obsession was "just a phase" from when Josh was a teenager (even though most of the leaks are from when Null was in his early 20s) and that xe's totally a straight and trad man now.

Shota fetishes (or any type of fetish) don't just magically go away. Fetishes typically stay with you for life and the only way to "cure" them is to make a conscious effort to avoid that type of content. It is abundantly clear that Null, between xir obsessive hate lust for twink lolcows and xir disdain for any expression of heterosexual sexuality, still hungers for catboy bussy and consumes such content regularly. However, most Clitty Farmers are oblivious to the obvious signs of Null's homosexuality and look the other way and anyone who calls him out on it gets jannied.

However, if (or when) Josh were to pull a Vaush on stream, the anti-LGBT trad types on Clitty Farms would no longer be about to ignore the obvious and all hell would break loose.
Shota is old news, everyone that knows about kiwiFarms knows about his Shota craze.

It's gotta be something else that's so fucked up that he can't janny-sweep it away (he can try but he will fail)
I don't see that ever happening unless he troons out, Lidl Drip gets revealed to actually be his sock account or gets outed for wasting all their donations on random crap, and he could probably wiggle his way out of that last one. People want some Lowtax-tier downfall, but even if his whole site rose up against him, I think Null would just nuke KF and disappear like Andrew Dobson and Schmorky.
I don't see that ever happening unless he troons out, Lidl Drip gets revealed to actually be his sock account or gets outed for wasting all their donations on random crap, and he could probably wiggle his way out of that last one. People want some Lowtax-tier downfall, but even if his whole site rose up against him, I think Null would just nuke KF and disappear like Andrew Dobson and Schmorky.

He will kill himself if he ever has to nuke the site. He got a taste of a little bit of power now and that's what he wants.
I don't see that ever happening unless he troons out, Lidl Drip gets revealed to actually be his sock account or gets outed for wasting all their donations on random crap, and he could probably wiggle his way out of that last one. People want some Lowtax-tier downfall, but even if his whole site rose up against him, I think Null would just nuke KF and disappear like Andrew Dobson and Schmorky.
Null will never disappear off the Internet. Eating whole blocks of cheese in one sitting and spending 20 hours a day banning people on his website for disagreeing with him are the only things Josh has going for them. Josh has no IRL friends (or Internet friends outside of simps and clout chasers), no hobbies, no family, no romantic partners, no working dick, and only leaves his computer chair to scooter his way to the door and pick up his doordash delivery of ultra processed canned vegetables and cheese pallets.

I don't think he'll kill himself, but rather he'll barnacle himself to the Internet and jump from grift to grift like EDP445 or Ethan Ralph, leeching off of an ever shrinking audience for attention and donos.
Probably never. Josh is too much of a bitch to ban the Sharty thread since doing so would lead to a massive raid on the site. The last thing xe wants is xir precious BP galpals to be exposed to hundreds of pages of unthumbnailed Nikocado coinslots. So Josh will continue to sit in xir cuck chair as Soychads continue to have month long unthumbnailed soyduels with one another o algo.

Lieber Feederführer is known for doing the opposite of this.
Fetishes typically stay with you for life and the only way to "cure" them is to make a conscious effort to avoid that type of content.
That might work for mild fetishes, but repression of deeper psycho-sexual issues can lead to worse results. For example, there are many on KF who have a thing for trannies. When they repress their desire instead of admitting it to themselves, it can only fester and grow. Ends up with them either committing violence against the object of their desire, or it becoming overpowering and them over-indulging in weeks long, hot and steamy tranny sex.