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    🔎Under the Magnifying Glass - KennethErwinEngelhardt.net

    Biafra: Lolcows, Terrorists, Israel, and Phone Cases on Shopify: The rabbit hole that Nigeria would rather forget.

    There are some things that have long needed our attention. The video at the bottom stickes out to the right and throws it off-center. Also, there are issues with our logo being two small when accessing the forum on your mobile device.

Little Green Scallion - Gertlersphere Dark Ninja / Isaac Lee Flores / Dark Isaac / WarGreymon Productions

Documented individuals who may have a small public presence who are in the Gertlersphere
An Emotional Bean's Journey

Warrior of Light

Baby Onion
I thought I was Riter Griffin. I can't be both. Plot twist, @Battle of Brainiac can't be Bryan Dunn because I am. :trollface:


Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
See? Total NPC. DUnnce would mop the floor with him. ANd DUnnce is clinically OFF HIS CHUMP! Dunnce goes through more pills, a day, than Judy Garland. Drinks like her, and is a insufferable prima donna. BUT! Isaac is too shit scared to get on stream with him, rather hiding in discord with his nonce pals. Who will betray him, when they get bored.
I thought I was Riter Griffin
No. That was some random troon, a nonce got all thirsty for, but was DENIED. Like Isaac with Olive. Nah. Dunnce got that Oyl.
can't be Bryan Dunn because I am
what do you think posting the same image is going to accomplish
They aren't thinking. Rate yourself optimistic.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Discord Nonce, there. She's not with him now, obz. What with the kind of company he keeps. You can tell from her forced grin (she can't even bring herself to smile) she's being to figure things out. Then the SWAT. It's all over now, bar the alimony.

Bet she's in a vc now, getting talked off by Dunnce. Y'know what a cuck Isaac is.

Warrior of Light

Baby Onion
View attachment 50463
Discord Nonce, there. She's not with him now, obz. What with the kind of company he keeps. You can tell from her forced grin (she can't even bring herself to smile) she's being to figure things out. Then the SWAT. It's all over now, bar the alimony.

Bet she's in a vc now, getting talked off by Dunnce. Y'know what a cuck Isaac is.

Says Nektar the Pedo

Battle of Brainiac

Janny disrespecter
Hellovan Onion
See? Total NPC. DUnnce would mop the floor with him. ANd DUnnce is clinically OFF HIS CHUMP! Dunnce goes through more pills, a day, than Judy Garland. Drinks like her, and is a insufferable prima donna. BUT! Isaac is too shit scared to get on stream with him, rather hiding in discord with his nonce pals. Who will betray him, when they get bored.

No. That was some random troon, a nonce got all thirsty for, but was DENIED. Like Isaac with Olive. Nah. Dunnce got that Oyl.

View attachment 50460

They aren't thinking. Rate yourself optimistic.
Reminder that Ninja’s entire rage boner to Bryan is that Bryan cucked him 🤣

Battle of Brainiac

Janny disrespecter
Hellovan Onion
So ninja started this boring dead stream show on Empresa’s channel about a guy named John. John decided to take ninja’s head and dunk him in a toilet bowl over and over.

Start @ 31:00

Prime content throughout this entire rant. Very funny.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
I would have liked to have heard the question Samurai Sambo wanted to ask Isaac. Isaac vs Samurai Sambo in the Kinodrome, when? Guess when Isaac grows a pair. DOesn't look like it's going to be any time soon.