Kiwifarms Gossip KF General 2.0

General gossip about kiwifarms
The new declines of Kiwifarms


Hellovan Onion
moral fiber.png
The only people who criticize Kiwi Farms are parasites and degenerates, people with moral fiber support it.

VAIDS Victim

So warm and tender was never the night ๐ŸŒ™
Hellovan Onion
Dude I've seen it a million times. A guy is getting out of the shower, he loses his balance, slips and falls, and accidentally searches CP sites, saves it to his phone and posts it on a message board.
Damn it, I thought that user was chill.
Banning Zed was one of the last big strikes that helped usher this shit in
Yes, there's a lot more cringe PLing that would have gotten someone doxed and halaled so damn fast in previous years. I miss the fun halals where the user is all mad in their thread. Now null just bans them like boxershorts and people can't find the forum reliably because it changes so often; so cows never find their thread to sperg in.
There was one user who claimed sharting your underwear regularly and making your mommywife clean it is normal and I was disappointed I had to point out what a retard he was. This was in the reddit general thread.


Hellovan Onion
There was one user who claimed sharting your underwear regularly and making your mommywife clean it is normal and I was disappointed I had to point out what a retard he was. This was in the reddit general thread.
Who was this? I have a hard believing even Kiwis could see a post like that and not call it out.