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    Tired of Null's temper tantrums? It's better with the Kengle. If you can rock with us, you are one of us.

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universe adventurer

explorer of the unknown, vast universe
An Onion Among Onions
i know its him retard it doesnt change anything you still cried to the janny for help publically
I take it you're blind then.

Shhhh, you're going to get us all in trouble! This is like when you punch your little brother and he calls for Mom and she just hits all of you for acting up. I don't want a flip flop spanking from a mod.
you fuck off from this. seriously, just stay out of this

Anne Hathaway Fan

I put the "F U" in "forums"
Hellovan Onion
You don't have to be a fuckin rat over it dude. Just tell him to chupa your culo and move on. Bringing moderation into this shit is just going to get us all in trouble INCLUDING YOU FOR PARTICIPATING IN IT. How do you not see that if you bring moderation into this they're just going to look at the last few pages and be like well, fuck all these guys.

Don't be a Null, bro. Smarten up.

Time 4 Guillotines

White Knight of Chattanooga
An Onion Among Onions
fyi: I was only minding my own business like 2 days ago until this @Stop Socking Gaylord shit-eating faggot spic starts to bug me out.
What's got you so bent out of shape?

Time 4 Guillotines

White Knight of Chattanooga
An Onion Among Onions
Fucking seriously dude, you're going to get us all in trouble. I really like this place and I refuse to make a sock account because I don't get down like that. So please don't blow this for me.
To be fair, the mods here are pretty based when it comes to being hands off.
Perhaps you should make a thread for general slapfighting?
Then these little tard arguments can be swept to the Sperg Pit

Home Depot Bucket

Remarkable Onion
So is Null being manipulated by an e-girl or a troon? The KF simps muddying the water by sucking Nulls cock makes things even more annoying to sort out. But then again most of the guys on KF are probably gay or bi anyway
I dunno. All I know is that they are now planning gayops against other women they don't like on the forum. Trying to dox PaladinBoo's family and trying to run Otterly and AuntCarol off. It is the most retarded shit I have ever seen. I can't even. I guess if this is what Null chose he can keep it. Again I got what I wanted out of my socks and have no intention of posting there again.