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Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Little Green Scallion - Gertlersphere Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

Documented individuals who may have a small public presence who are in the Gertlersphere


Baby Onion
Cowboy was a faggy voiced tard. He was one one of Plodwinson's streams. Plus he thirsted for Venti. LIke joshy. I mean, fruity, y'know?

That just means he's a nonce. Elaine likes to hang out with nonces. I think that's why Plodwinson ghosted her. He's notorious for not researching the cow. He realised she's a nonce fancier and didn't want to be tainted.

tbf, the only taint Plodz is interested in... is PPPs.

Daniel is either Elaine, or a nonce simping/sweeping for her. It can only be one of the two.
Was Beans confirmed to be the catfish behind the cutting video? There's zero reason to stay friends with a teenager she essentially groomed herself.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Was Beans confirmed to be the catfish behind the cutting video?
I don't know.
There's zero reason to stay friends with a teenager she essentially groomed herself
Do you believe that Beans is Cowboy? I'd press X on that one, Cowboy didn't seem to know anything about Elaine, only seemed to glom onto her, due tomy "alawgin'" her. Dude seemed to spend his time starting forums that no one posted on. Didn't seem to be a discorder.

nfn, considering the dirty old men she likes to hang out wrenches to... Elaine does look to be a "procurer" of some sort.


Below the wells
Hellovan Onion

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Defending other women... as long as they aren't a threat to her (so that's all of them).
This site makes Elaine want to top herself... until she's dead.
This encapsulate why people, or the rest of the animal kingdom, take E-lame seriously.
Greetings from inside Elaine's bonce.
e-lame, wilfully misunderstanding, there. It's lidl that's creepy af, but elame knows that. She's just eggy I pointed out she likes to share pron with minors.
Oh please, Elaine, mess with the org.
Chris just luvz joshy simps...
Some one does point out her Cam Whoring.
Elaine... as you decided to make people aware of your threads, you might want to accept that nearly everyone is smarter than you. They can can read your thread and be made aware of yor (patent) lies.
Plus, she claims to have "covid", prolly means she back to gacking up her (sizeable schnozz)
She does know a lot of nonces. I'll give her that. Why she knows so many nonces...
E-lame manages to put candied fruit on a stick... (right first time). Didn't manage to spell it right, tho. TANGhulu.
If people can't take bantz... y'mean, like yerself there, Elaine?
Euros, that's the money in Wopland

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
lol. Imagine E-lame actually trying to build a bomb... I doubt she could put together the toy from a Kinder Egg.
Anyway, hope threatening to bomb someone (like a low iq brat) doesn't come back to haunt you. Considering how she feels about people contacting nonce's (ie Elaine) families.
Elaine... dumb enough to think that Bx will be smart enough to understand E-lame, but suddenly too stupid to understand Spwates proof that Elaine is a filthy dirty nonce.
Oh... Elaine, you and your big mouth and tiny brain. You decided to claim membership of 764.
She also deleted this before I had a chance to archive it...
She's so spine-cripplingly cringe...

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Promoting self harm... dinny and cringe-pilled
With her ADHD, and obvious mental retardation, I doubt she'll be knocking out dissertations, left, right and centre.
E-lame never did play well, with the other children
That's right, Elaine. You own looking like a tranny. That'll teach 'em.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
It really wasn't though 😢
The people in her thread are so desperate to uncover a sock of hers that they couldn't even let a good bit ride before slapping the report button like a bunch of fags
RIP Miss Filler 🫡
You were Josh's last hope


Silenced for speaking the truth ,I looked at their posts before they were whipped, its kinda annoying to assume this was a sock because they named their account an elaine parody but oh well , I always appreaciate when people tell me I make better elaine content than elaine.

it is what it is.