Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Kiwifarms Gossip When did you turn on Kiwi Farms?

General gossip about kiwifarms

SSF2T Old User

No Super Combos Necessary
Hellovan Onion
Null banning new people from joining the site after the Capitol Hill Riots was, for me at least, the biggest bitch made move he could have ever pulled. Rather than actually do his fucking job (or any of the other jannies for that matter) he would rather stick a giant band-aid on whatever "political issue" he thinks the site currently has. His constant sperging before/during/after that was just as fucking embarrassing. Everyone is enjoying the boomers making everyone in congress piss themselves but no, Josh Doomposting at maximum level is more important. His attitude kills the fucking mood in an instant. He is a hypocrite, and a whiny one at that, especially when he doesn't get his way. I already made a post in another thread that explains my thoughts.

Need For Sneed

I feel the need
Hellovan Onion
When BoxerShorts47 got his stickies taken away. He's now started shitting up other threads (mainly A&N, but sometimes Happenings or Deep Thots). The crazy part is that there are A&Ntards that give him Boxy good boy points, just because he regurgitates alt-right basic bitch hot takes. Granted, the stickies turn negative when many of said A&Ntards realise that Boxy is a pedophile, but it's alarming just how many A&Ntards are happy to overlook this.


Segmentation fault (core dumped)
An Onion Among Onions
When BoxerShorts47 got his stickies taken away. He's now started shitting up other threads (mainly A&N, but sometimes Happenings or Deep Thots). The crazy part is that there are A&Ntards that give him Boxy good boy points, just because he regurgitates alt-right basic bitch hot takes. Granted, the stickies turn negative when many of said A&Ntards realise that Boxy is a pedophile, but it's alarming just how many A&Ntards are happy to overlook this.
How do you shit up A&N, Happenings, or shallow thoughts? That's like shitting into an ocean of shit.


An Onion Among Onions
When BoxerShorts47 got his stickies taken away. He's now started shitting up other threads (mainly A&N, but sometimes Happenings or Deep Thots). The crazy part is that there are A&Ntards that give him Boxy good boy points, just because he regurgitates alt-right basic bitch hot takes. Granted, the stickies turn negative when many of said A&Ntards realise that Boxy is a pedophile, but it's alarming just how many A&Ntards are happy to overlook this.
it's actually about ethics in supporting pedophiles in the website of a pedophile
How do you shit up A&N, Happenings, or shallow thoughts? That's like shitting into an ocean of shit.
Very carefully and trying to not get dirty.

SSF2T Old User

No Super Combos Necessary
Hellovan Onion
How do you shit up A&N, Happenings, or shallow thoughts? That's like shitting into an ocean of shit.
All it takes is 1 person to have a contrarian opinion, and whatever topic in A&N/Happenings suddenly gets derail and it becomes all about that person.

Nevermind the endless HHH examples, the lastest one was the Capital Hill thread when two people were having a christcuck debate.


Don't fucking think about it.
Remarkable Onion
As a newfag on KF, pretty much during Bastard Samurai's warpath and Null's doomposting spree. Autism, politisperging, and doomposting is an unholy trinity to see all at once. Found this place pretty comfy in the midst of the chaos.