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Why would anyone fuck a british women


it blows my mind someone would fuck elaine piss pussy miller or any british women their teeth could scare a polar bear their noses look like donkeys their accents sound like nails to a chalk board they call everything chips and biscuits your ancestors fought the american revolution only for you to cheat on them by fucking a british women disgraceful

Slidey Boi

Local Moderator
I don't have a problem with British women physically, it's more the attitude. It's like this utter pessimism, this resignation to everything. Bitch but no action, no talk of action, just the world sucks. Also they tend to be far left woke types who have white guilt and think everything traditional is bad.


I don't have a problem with British women physically, it's more the attitude. It's like this utter pessimism, this resignation to everything. Bitch but no action, no talk of action, just the world sucks. Also they tend to be far left woke types who have white guilt and think everything traditional is bad.
and they threaten to call the police or sue you after you do anything they do not like

Trollcow - Elaine Miller

Retarded Pick-me
Remarkable Onion
it blows my mind someone would fuck elaine piss pussy miller or any british women their teeth could scare a polar bear their noses look like donkeys their accents sound like nails to a chalk board they call everything chips and biscuits your ancestors fought the american revolution only for you to cheat on them by fucking a british women disgraceful
Sorry dude but I just live in the U.K., I’m literally Russian.

Trollcow - Elaine Miller

Retarded Pick-me
Remarkable Onion
Since you are in closer proximity to the British women than we are, do you think what we have said as at all accurate?
Interesting, okay let me see.
their teeth could scare a polar bear
This mainly just applies to retards or the super poor. Healthcare is free and most Zoomers/millennials got braces. I’m guessing the bad teeth thing came from the older generations when all that shit wasn’t so accessible.
noses look like donkeys
Not particularly
their accents sound like nails to a chalk board they call everything chips and biscuits your ancestors fought the american revolution only for you to cheat on them by fucking a british women disgraceful
Again, I tend to find most of the British accents Americans find intolerable tend to be more working class or cockney accents. This is like saying everyone in America has a Hillbilly Southern accent.
Also you can’t really cheat on dead people just saying.
It's like this utter pessimism, this resignation to everything.
I agree but not just women. I wouldn’t exactly call it pessimism so much as almost, hmm, almost monotonous ordinariness. It’s like people in my generation/millennials don’t want to have fun. They consider going to the pub an activity, or smoking weed in the park. If you suggest ice skating, roller blading, rock climbing or swimming they consider it gay, and the focus is on looking laid-back rather than having any fun. It’s incredibly depressing.
Bitch but no action, no talk of action, just the world sucks. Also they tend to be far left woke types who have white guilt and think everything traditional is bad.
Most people are no action.
Yeah we got a big SJW problem here and I believe that the lack of The First Amendment has made things much worse. People will beat each other up here over comments or posts people made online that are deemed “offensive”. It’s ridiculous.


Retired Staff
