• Welcome, Notices, Content in the Spotlight

    The best Kiwifarms splinter site on the internet. All Walks of life, regardless of race, religion, political orientation, sexual orientation, gender identity. if you rock with the Onions, you are one of us.

    Our Onionfarms merchandise store is now open. Both Kiwis and Onions are welcome. https://onionmart.printify.me

    🔎Under the Magnifying Glass - KennethErwinEngelhardt.net

    Biafra: Lolcows, Terrorists, Israel, and Phone Cases on Shopify: The rabbit hole that Nigeria would rather forget.

    There are some things that have long needed our attention. The video at the bottom stickes out to the right and throws it off-center. Also, there are issues with our logo being two small when accessing the forum on your mobile device.

user @onionfarts proclaims vendetta against all of Onionfarms


Hellovan Onion
>did not make the list


Baby Onion

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker


Remarkable Onion
I apologize for nothing.

Reprehensible members of this forum will now be named, shamed, and publicly condemned: @Empresa @Sailfish @ShitbombAnon @Null @thefrogninja @JewNiggerCock @Nektar Geist @Firegirl26 @Some Idiot with Internet @Cursed Content Purveyor @rexymeteorite . All of you are hereby placed on a shitlist. Tread carefully.
at this point, you might as well be thrown into the tard cage. Tread carefully, retard. Oh and BTW, anyone who has a shitlist deserves to be on Onionfarms' shitlist. Especially one who has a dumb fuck emoji.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Imagine having such an unwarranted sense of self importance you think anyone here would care about some random nobody on the internet not liking them lmao. Peak main character syndrome. At least Everyone here has a place to point and laugh at this retard.