I am looking at ideas for generating revenue. We are relatively small (just under 4000) but you would be surprised who is keeping an eye on us. But let's brainstorm:
Promotional items - I am looking at designs for sweatshirts, T-shirts mousepads and so forth. I have a few ideas in mind that will prevent us from falling into the pitfalls that are plaguing kiwifarms
Sticker - should there be a true and honest sticker like kiwifarms?
Regular Donations: I have PayPal and Stripe but I have not utilized Stripe yet. Should I set up for regular Donations?
If you have any ideas feel free to share them.
Promotional items - I am looking at designs for sweatshirts, T-shirts mousepads and so forth. I have a few ideas in mind that will prevent us from falling into the pitfalls that are plaguing kiwifarms
Sticker - should there be a true and honest sticker like kiwifarms?
Regular Donations: I have PayPal and Stripe but I have not utilized Stripe yet. Should I set up for regular Donations?
If you have any ideas feel free to share them.