One of Us

All walks of life: If you can rock with us, you are one of us. Celebtities, Cows, Drama, Politics. It's always harvest-time at the Onionfarms.

Apologies: Movie Night will be rescheduled

Reinstate {o}P or whatever the fuck he's called now.

Should our LGBT and neuroatypical mascot be unbanned?

  • Yes (based and {o}Pilled choice)

  • No (you are a no fun faggot if you tick this)

Results are only viewable after voting.

Dum Cruise

Hellovan Onion
youve gone and done it now mr high and mighty admin. you just had to take away our right to say nigga with the hard R like the FAT FUCK you are. Well we of the onion farms wont stand for this. not now and not ever. We DEMAND 2 things:
1. Reinstatement of our nigga (with the hard R) Privileges
2. You WILL upload a picture of your gunt (slang for stomach) with the words ¨im a stupid roody-poo¨ written in marker as a public apology for having the sheer AUDACITY to take away our nigga (with the Hard R) Rights
And If you are a onion farms user reading this make sure you copy and paste this EVERYWHERE so @Sailfish Knows we will not take this lying down...