Pvcc /cwc/ /kkk/ /cow/ julay.world / alogs.space


from lolcow.orgasm
Hellovan Onion
Also, heavy crossover with autphag as he was discovered on the previous incarnation /atf/
there are worms under your skin peel it off peel your skin off use a knife there are worms under your skin it is coming for you there are worms under it peel your skin off peel your skin off peel your skin off peel your skin off peel your skin off peel your skin off peel your skin off peel your skin off worms under worms are under it worms wlrms it is attracter by worms it will devour you peel your skin off peel it off remove it worms under it peel your skin off worms are under it worms wlrms it is attracter by worms it will devour you peel your skin off