PPP Ashton Parks
PPP is a funny fat sperg who went from taking The /cow/ board as gospel to treating KF as if it were heresy.
It's said Ashton wasn't always fat, supposedly he injured himself while playing football and proceeded to get fat later on.

Godwinson / Adam Edge / black adam of the multiverse
Yet to fully understand Ashton we must look at Godwinson or Black Adam of the Multiverse as he was known.
Godwinson & PPP, teamed up on a site called Stream.me before Ashton exposed himself quite literally.
The pair went on to create TWIN a breakdown of internet happenings (and a parody of Sargon of Akkad).
You see Esoteric Jahanism is the precursor to Esoteric PPPism.
(Same energy)
(Same energy)
Yet with Jahanists it was understood there was a level of humor and irony seemingly lost in current times. And of course the guidance of Lord Adam Edge.
Post-Jahans video on WarCorpse666 or Adams NEET Samurai video followed by Clean Your Room vs NEETs rise up along with a stream on Radio NEET.
Godwinson even wrote an Article(archive)on being a NEET.
Some say internet bloodsports began with the tale of trout and tea soon to be a member of the 4 horsemen with Godwinson null and PPP.
Ibs commentary
Ibs aftermath
These events extended over to kilroy the pinnacle of internet skepticism.
Playlist: The Krautism saga
The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism
Carl's BEED CV
Archived Threads
Godwinson video analysis
This leads to the liberalist movement led by Sargon of Akkad and where Godwinson & Co gained infamy and confronted the liberalists in a pub on their own turf.
Godwinson & Co. confronted the liberalists in a pub.
Peoples populist press rose to prominence on stream.me a platform said to be funded in part by keemstar and Gfuel, Yet "the cult of vordrak" summoned by patebin anon decided to kill it using Vordrakian tactics as described by null.
(archive of /cow/ killing stream me)
PPP has also appeared on the ralph retort with gator (said to be Shannon Gaines by most of /cow/ and some of kiwi farms yet now known to be Brian Holloman) many believe this is why PPP isn't fond of Ralph when in truth he'd been preaching against false idols in the form of Jordan Peterson and even lower pundits.
Ashton Parks and RJ Finley affectionately named surfer have even been arrested while out trying to preach, once they became disaffected they began their careers as a door-to-door salesman.
Ashton has Alogged and been Alogged by Ethan Ralph, Ethan even went so far as to call PPP's church as well as a wellness check after he showed his pristine starfish to all of /cow/ & stream.me but that was towards the end of chapter 1 in their love affair.
Before that, he was making stream after stream about Ethan Ralph no longer making /ibs/ videos,
This was at the height of the Killstream Healstream with a brief appearance by Sam Hyde.
PPP was also a member of the four horsemen,
PPP returned with a vengeance going after Dax Herrera on a podcast helmed by Nick Rekieta (video). This dovetails into the Simpspiracy and new project 2 debacle.
PPP and LeoPirate finally got their wish and spoke to daddy gym amidst the pandemic to address the Simpsiracy and np2.
Godwinson and PPP went hard against jannie jewsh until he joined them and decided Ralph should be sacrificed to the corn.
Since PPP and Godwinson have an affinity for saying people host and disseminate cp they chose to interview Vordrak the boogeyman of kiwi farms,
LeoPirate plays the obs bitch as with TWIN (and proto TWIN where LeoPirate had a slightly larger hand in shaping the show.)
PPP and Godwinson have been going after Nick the knife Fuentes who currently is under investigation and has all assets and accounts frozen, So Godwinson won.
In accordance with the kino dogme PPP made a documentary on Hollywood God.
Update: PPP and surfer have broken up kiwi farms most affected, without Godwinson around to do damage control PPP and Surfer went at one another the way a couple breaks up on realty t.v. or worse at crackhouse during the wee hours of the morning.
PPP is now streaming with Andy Warski they've revived the Kinodrome concept into the kino casino.
Now that PPP and Mister Metokur have reconciled PPP and Mister Metokur streamed together on Kino Casino with PPP and Andy Warski as hosts. (For more info on Jim Check here.)
During a stream between Mister Metokur and Nick Fuentes the Catboy repeatedly invoked the name of the Kino Casino and their streams as "trying to destroy their movement".
This in and of itself is hilarious since PPP and Godwinson have debunked Nick Fuentes plus his "connections" years ago.
It's no surprise null of kiwi farms uses a dodgy payment processor as he has been banned from every other service, im not certain why PPP used it.
Adam said he gave PPP an easy out he didn't take and instead tried to dox Adam.
Jim went to the kino casino and used his soft voice to play nice since the Kino Casino Alogs Ralph.
Godwinson AMA
Recent AMA:
PPP: (twitter)
godwinson : (old twitter)
godwinson: (current twitter)
(channel they stream from)
Archive channels:
PPP is a funny fat sperg who went from taking The /cow/ board as gospel to treating KF as if it were heresy.
It's said Ashton wasn't always fat, supposedly he injured himself while playing football and proceeded to get fat later on.

Godwinson / Adam Edge / black adam of the multiverse
Yet to fully understand Ashton we must look at Godwinson or Black Adam of the Multiverse as he was known.
Godwinson & PPP, teamed up on a site called Stream.me before Ashton exposed himself quite literally.
The pair went on to create TWIN a breakdown of internet happenings (and a parody of Sargon of Akkad).
You see Esoteric Jahanism is the precursor to Esoteric PPPism.
(Same energy)
(Same energy)
Yet with Jahanists it was understood there was a level of humor and irony seemingly lost in current times. And of course the guidance of Lord Adam Edge.
Post-Jahans video on WarCorpse666 or Adams NEET Samurai video followed by Clean Your Room vs NEETs rise up along with a stream on Radio NEET.
Godwinson even wrote an Article(archive)on being a NEET.
Some say internet bloodsports began with the tale of trout and tea soon to be a member of the 4 horsemen with Godwinson null and PPP.
Ibs commentary
Ibs aftermath

The Kilroy Scam (GODWINSON) Mirror
The Metokurist Collective (Updated 2021)https://twitter.com/QuarantinedCoof - Jim's current Twitterhttps://www.subscribestar.com/mistermetokur - Jim's Subscr...

Playlist: The Krautism saga
The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism
Carl's BEED CV
Archived Threads
Godwinson video analysis
This leads to the liberalist movement led by Sargon of Akkad and where Godwinson & Co gained infamy and confronted the liberalists in a pub on their own turf.
Godwinson & Co. confronted the liberalists in a pub.

Exposing the Liberalist Discord (Godwinson Mirror)
A mirror of a now deleted video of Godwinson exposing the liberalists.

Godwinson vs Vee (Mirror)
Stream of the now deleted Godwinson having a debate with Vee on stream.

(archive of /cow/ killing stream me)
PPP has also appeared on the ralph retort with gator (said to be Shannon Gaines by most of /cow/ and some of kiwi farms yet now known to be Brian Holloman) many believe this is why PPP isn't fond of Ralph when in truth he'd been preaching against false idols in the form of Jordan Peterson and even lower pundits.
Ashton Parks and RJ Finley affectionately named surfer have even been arrested while out trying to preach, once they became disaffected they began their careers as a door-to-door salesman.
Ashton has Alogged and been Alogged by Ethan Ralph, Ethan even went so far as to call PPP's church as well as a wellness check after he showed his pristine starfish to all of /cow/ & stream.me but that was towards the end of chapter 1 in their love affair.
Before that, he was making stream after stream about Ethan Ralph no longer making /ibs/ videos,
This was at the height of the Killstream Healstream with a brief appearance by Sam Hyde.
PPP and LeoPirate finally got their wish and spoke to daddy gym amidst the pandemic to address the Simpsiracy and np2.
Since PPP and Godwinson have an affinity for saying people host and disseminate cp they chose to interview Vordrak the boogeyman of kiwi farms,

This Week in Nectar: Vordrak, newproject 2, and Kiwi Farms
Links: https://0bin.net/paste/ieGwhTUt#VXXbqO73L+bDovuxkbFubAdrKNP7RBpVfHRInv3z7RP

PPP and Godwinson have been going after Nick the knife Fuentes who currently is under investigation and has all assets and accounts frozen, So Godwinson won.
In accordance with the kino dogme PPP made a documentary on Hollywood God.
Update: PPP and surfer have broken up kiwi farms most affected, without Godwinson around to do damage control PPP and Surfer went at one another the way a couple breaks up on realty t.v. or worse at crackhouse during the wee hours of the morning.
PPP is now streaming with Andy Warski they've revived the Kinodrome concept into the kino casino.
Now that PPP and Mister Metokur have reconciled PPP and Mister Metokur streamed together on Kino Casino with PPP and Andy Warski as hosts. (For more info on Jim Check here.)
During a stream between Mister Metokur and Nick Fuentes the Catboy repeatedly invoked the name of the Kino Casino and their streams as "trying to destroy their movement".
This in and of itself is hilarious since PPP and Godwinson have debunked Nick Fuentes plus his "connections" years ago.
- The sordid adventures of Nick Fuentes and Baked Alaska by Godwinson.
- Nick Fuentes Catboy date explained by Godwinson.
- TWIN (This Week In Nectar) Fuentes is a homo.
- Nick Fuentes and the Milo connection by Godwinson.
It's no surprise null of kiwi farms uses a dodgy payment processor as he has been banned from every other service, im not certain why PPP used it.
godwinson : (old twitter)
godwinson: (current twitter)
(channel they stream from)
Archive channels: