Linking with - Public Intelligence Section

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker
I am going to start building a whole new section on my wordpress site: The website has been inactive of new content for a very long time. But now it is time for a fresh start and awaken this. The same stuff we threads on in this forum will be the same stuff that I will be setting up on my website. So what is "public intelligence". Basically it is social media, official websites, blogs and so forth. One of the major sources of information on developing threads is a person's twitter account. We can embed twitter streams from a particular lolcow of interest right on my Wordpress so you will always have continuous updates. But it is just not lolcows, basically it will be everything that we like to gossip about. There are people who are a lot more versed on the lolcow scene than I am such as Noot. I will need help from him and others as well.

In other words it will be kind of a forum and an online lolcow newspaper. Eventually I hope to expand this to podcasts as well. But for now, I think we will have a feast on the plate for anyone who really wants to get into this. We are beginning to recover from the Onionfarms civil war and schism that led to and hopefully look towards a bright future for Onionfarms.

Public Intelligence.jpg


Valid = Fair &/Or Understandable
Baby Onion
lol there was no civil war you just did retarded shit for months and people got sick off it.

Slow in the minds need help on the internet.

That's why I signed up for 🥝 in the first place.

The third site is a useless mirror of 🥝 and everyone knows it by now.

National Socialism should only ever be about love dingus.


Valid = Fair &/Or Understandable
Baby Onion

Nor sorry for double posting, lolcow can't take a joke. We at Onionfarms can and don't mind being the joke either.