• Our Onionfarms merchandise store is now open. All are welcome. https://onionmart.printify.me

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Kiwifarms Gossip KF General 2.0

General gossip about kiwifarms
The new declines of Kiwifarms


An Onion Among Onions
Everyone's favorite clip channel Elissa Clips stands accused of aiding someone who is/was in contempt of court abduct and hide his child. Count on tranny farms and chemo casino to sweep this up because lolcow Ethan Ralph was mean to her recently. What's with boomers having the worst opsec possible?
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The sweeping for Elissa has begun. Instead of trying to find out the truth and asking Elissa personally if there was any truth behind the allegations, which didn't come from lolcow Ethan Ralph and was publicly available on the internet, Lidl Drip and Chingtastic Chong are dismissing the allegations entirely. Chingtastic Chong seems extra defensive and tells Ethan to kill himself twice in a row.
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Why are neither interested in going directly to Elissa and tagging her kiwifarms account to get the "real truth" in the open and potentially humiliate Ethan?
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It looks like Ralph never even doxed her. She put her own name on her GoFundMe where she's asking for... "the iPhone 15 Pro with 1tb storage ($1,499.00) and the iPad 13 Pro with 2TB storage ($2,299.00)..." so she can keep making content. Is there a reason she does this all on the most expensive devices possible? Can she not buy a cheap PC? I remember a time when the community was against clip channels making money. There was a big hubbub about it a few years ago involving some other clip channel whose name I can't recall right now. This clip channel was ran by a woman and she was very fat.
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Remarkable Onion
Sometime after puberty I realized girls weren't making my dick hard but guys were.

Slav Power deleted his avatar and limited who can post on his profile. This happened fairly recently, like within the past week.

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After Cheesenigger shit all over him on MATI back in May, he stopped posting. However, he didn't actually go anywhere, rather he's been lurking and handing out stickers, at least up till last weekend.

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Happens a lot I'm surprised they didn't ban him for sticker abuse. Way to treat a friend josh