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How do i lose weight


its something i have wanted to do for awhile ive got the josh bod going on and need to lose weight i rememembr last time i was skinny i fasted and ate chicken rice and bell peppers i got too skinny really but i liked it so i need to fast most likely but im interested in you guys sugestions

Slidey Boi

Local Moderator
Eat less shit. Seriously, chop up vegetables and snack on those. Stir fry some easy tasty meals. Just throw some shit in a pan, use Sriracha or teriyaki sauce and just about anything tastes good, even chicken breast with vegetables. Above all, cut out soda, sweets, and salty shit like chips. Drink tons of water. You'll feel and look better.


Firstly, you need to start eating right. Losing weight starts with what you eat. This may be obvious, but foods with high sugar make you fat (and overeating, obviously). You don't need to go on a crazy diet. And also, allow yourself cheat days or else you're just gonna end up failing. Cheat days are not for gouging yourself. Treat it like a reward. Eat some ice cream or something. Whatever you want. But do it in moderation

Like sildey boi said, drink lots of water. If you have a problem with eating too much, water can satisfy your hunger

The last thing is working out and cardio. Working out burns a ton of calories and your body also continues to burn calories long after a workout. When I say "work out," I mean a high intensity work out...not going to the gym and going on those machines and sitting around on your phone in between sets. If you have access to a kettlebell, you can look up kettlebell workouts. Kettlebell workouts burn a lot of fat. You don't even really need any equipment. If you don't have any equipment, calisthenics is good enough

My cousin lost 20 pounds in a month from working out in the morning and running a mile in the evening 5 to 6 days a week. He was cheating heavy on the eating part though. He probably could've lost another 10 pounds in he didn't cheat. If you don't like running or traditional workouts, find a pool and swim a mile or two 5 to 6 days a week. But in the end, you're never gonna lose the weight if you eat like garbage. My metabolism is fast, so I eat like garbage and am still fine. But you're looking to lose weight, so you need to be disciplined. Find someone to workout with if you have commitment issues. One last thing - Don't eat food right before bed. Give up midnight snacks too. You aren't active while you're sleeping (clearly), so you're just sleeping on that weight instead of burning it

Burpees and kettlebell swings burn a lot of fat. Any high intensity exercise does

You see how nice I am even after you disrespected Queen Pokimane, bitch boy??


I replied with "dumb" because you're a greasy fat ass fuck who lost all of his friends due to simping for Phonymane.
That loser who told you all of that is lying LOL He’s not my friend. I know exactly who told you that too. There’s no possible way that you’d get in contact with any of my friends. You replied with “dumb” because you’re a fat fuck who wants me to be fat right along with you. Go take the advice that I have and lose some weight, you tub of lard. Stop being jealous of greatness


Remarkable Onion
That loser who told you all of that is lying LOL He’s not my friend. I know exactly who told you that too. There’s no possible way that you’d get in contact with any of my friends. You replied with “dumb” because you’re a fat fuck who wants me to be fat right along with you. Go take the advice that I have and lose some weight, you tub of lard. Stop being jealous of greatness
"greatness" As if you have anything great to go by, hypocrite. I mean look at you. You were criticizing streamers for being "fatphobic" yet here you are being a massive hypocrite by doing the exact same shit. As much as I also hate on YourRAGE (same with all YouTubers, streamers, celebrities, influencers, etc.), you just proved to everyone that you're a massive hypocrite.

evidence 2.jpg
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E Hole

its something i have wanted to do for awhile ive got the josh bod going on and need to lose weight i rememembr last time i was skinny i fasted and ate chicken rice and bell peppers i got too skinny really but i liked it so i need to fast most likely but im interested in you guys sugestions
I did intermittent fasting for about 4 months and have had really great results. High protein, high carb for my meals so when I run, I'm not getting gassed.


I did intermittent fasting for about 4 months and have had really great results. High protein, high carb for my meals so when I run, I'm not getting gassed.
thats what im thinking when i lost weight i would eat 1 or 2 meals of chicken and rice and i was skinny in a few months i think im gonna try it again


"greatness" As if you have anything great to go by, hypocrite. I mean look at you. You were criticizing streamers for being "fatphobic" yet here you are being a massive hypocrite by doing the exact same shit. As much as I also hate on YourRAGE (same with all YouTubers, streamers, celebrities, influencers, etc.), you just proved to everyone that you're a massive hypocrite.

View attachment 28123
I'm a massive hypocrite and you're just massive 🤡 The streamer agreed with me and followed me because unlike you, there are some people in this world who appreciate truth 🤡


from lolcow.orgasm
Hellovan Onion
Firstly, you need to start eating right. Losing weight starts with what you eat. This may be obvious, but foods with high sugar make you fat (and overeating, obviously). You don't need to go on a crazy diet. And also, allow yourself cheat days or else you're just gonna end up failing. Cheat days are not for gouging yourself. Treat it like a reward. Eat some ice cream or something. Whatever you want. But do it in moderation

Like sildey boi said, drink lots of water. If you have a problem with eating too much, water can satisfy your hunger

The last thing is working out and cardio. Working out burns a ton of calories and your body also continues to burn calories long after a workout. When I say "work out," I mean a high intensity work out...not going to the gym and going on those machines and sitting around on your phone in between sets. If you have access to a kettlebell, you can look up kettlebell workouts. Kettlebell workouts burn a lot of fat. You don't even really need any equipment. If you don't have any equipment, calisthenics is good enough

My cousin lost 20 pounds in a month from working out in the morning and running a mile in the evening 5 to 6 days a week. He was cheating heavy on the eating part though. He probably could've lost another 10 pounds in he didn't cheat. If you don't like running or traditional workouts, find a pool and swim a mile or two 5 to 6 days a week. But in the end, you're never gonna lose the weight if you eat like garbage. My metabolism is fast, so I eat like garbage and am still fine. But you're looking to lose weight, so you need to be disciplined. Find someone to workout with if you have commitment issues. One last thing - Don't eat food right before bed. Give up midnight snacks too. You aren't active while you're sleeping (clearly), so you're just sleeping on that weight instead of burning it

Burpees and kettlebell swings burn a lot of fat. Any high intensity exercise does

You see how nice I am even after you disrespected Queen Pokimane, bitch boy??
how to say I live in my moms basement without saying it directly


Firstly, you need to start eating right. Losing weight starts with what you eat. This may be obvious, but foods with high sugar make you fat (and overeating, obviously). You don't need to go on a crazy diet. And also, allow yourself cheat days or else you're just gonna end up failing. Cheat days are not for gouging yourself. Treat it like a reward. Eat some ice cream or something. Whatever you want. But do it in moderation

Like sildey boi said, drink lots of water. If you have a problem with eating too much, water can satisfy your hunger

The last thing is working out and cardio. Working out burns a ton of calories and your body also continues to burn calories long after a workout. When I say "work out," I mean a high intensity work out...not going to the gym and going on those machines and sitting around on your phone in between sets. If you have access to a kettlebell, you can look up kettlebell workouts. Kettlebell workouts burn a lot of fat. You don't even really need any equipment. If you don't have any equipment, calisthenics is good enough

My cousin lost 20 pounds in a month from working out in the morning and running a mile in the evening 5 to 6 days a week. He was cheating heavy on the eating part though. He probably could've lost another 10 pounds in he didn't cheat. If you don't like running or traditional workouts, find a pool and swim a mile or two 5 to 6 days a week. But in the end, you're never gonna lose the weight if you eat like garbage. My metabolism is fast, so I eat like garbage and am still fine. But you're looking to lose weight, so you need to be disciplined. Find someone to workout with if you have commitment issues. One last thing - Don't eat food right before bed. Give up midnight snacks too. You aren't active while you're sleeping (clearly), so you're just sleeping on that weight instead of burning it

Burpees and kettlebell swings burn a lot of fat. Any high intensity exercise does

You see how nice I am even after you disrespected Queen Pokimane, bitch boy??
very good advice i have been eating about too meals a day and fasting and im already losing a little ive gotten back to working out and plan to tonight ive also been drinking plenty of water i cut out soda 4 years ago and lost about 20 pounds maybe more but yeah thanks for the advice poki is still mid though sorry