Roadmap for the Onionfarms - Writing Styles

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker
This is some idea of a "road map" that I have for this forum in linking it to other sites. I am not yet decided about the comic. The shit posting and slap-fights you like to do will not be impacted by this.

Writing Styles

Public Intelligence:

What it is: The way to define this is to look at trends currently going on in the country and try to analyze the direction these trends are heading in. You have to “read between the lines” and assess the situation. In order to do this, you have to survey several of the country’s newspapers.


Journalistic Articles

What it is: News articles on current events and people of interest reporting

Websites: with limited posting on

People of Interests - Posts

What it is: Gossip and drama posts on people of interest


Public Intelligence, Journalistic Articles link to Onionfarms and social media

Selected Gossip and Drama posts link to social media


Baby Onion
Literally no one is gonna remember this.

Learn how to do branding, with a name that hard, shorten in. Call it or something.

Why do you think H&M is always called that way? No one calls it Hennes & Mauritz, because that name doesn't stick. It's boring and long. Wouldn't have half the success if they kept branding themself as Hennes & Mauritz.

Also as @delphi says, who is even the target audience for this?
You do shit you like, then try and fail to find an audience afterwards. The opposite of how this works.
Reason: niggers

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

I'm your friendly neighborhood skinwalker
Literally no one is gonna remember this.

Learn how to do branding, with a name that hard, shorten in. Call it or something.

Why do you think H&M is always called that way? No one calls it Hennes & Mauritz, because that name doesn't stick. It's boring and long. Wouldn't have half the success if they kept branding themself as Hennes & Mauritz.

Also as @delphi says, who is even the target audience for this?
You do shit you like, then try and fail to find an audience afterwards. The opposite of how this works.
@Syntaxius and @delphi both of you make valid points and have given me an indirect tip on how to proceed with this.