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Religion & Psychology & Personal I’m a Domino’s delivery driver – I go from a 5 to a 10 in my after work outfit, people say I’m totally off the scale

Religion and Psychology and Personal


A woman named Vanessa, who is known on TikTok as @deliveryvanessa, claimed that people say she goes from an average five on the attractiveness scale to a solid 10 out of 10 when she strips down into her underwear.


To demonstrate and see what social media users thought, the brunette beauty, who claimed she is a Domino’s delivery driver, swapped her all-black uniform for a matching black underwear set, on TikTok. Vanessa posted her clip with the caption ‘I hope it’s true’, as she said: “I heard I go from 5 to 10 in my after work outfit”.

Whilst another agreed: “I'd get a pizza every hour”.

However, one person noted: “Starting to think you’re not actually a delivery driver, and you just have a pizza bag laying around your house”.


Retired Staff
>moles all over tummy (not suitable for eating clams off of like a sensible atheist would)
>extra long arm (reminds me of a witch from L4D2)
>Underwear much higher in 2nd photo than in 1st photo. (How can you even mess that up?!)
>Tattoo on throat (possible gang affiliation?!)
>Getting naked to eat pizza (possibly a plus? Can't wipe tomato sauce off of your mouth with your sleeve if you don't have sleeves. Interesting)
>Tattoo looks like a goatee in 2nd picture
>Weird face, eyes too close together
>I think she's trying to steal my kidneys and sell my pizza on the black market


That stuff above her head looks like display items in a store.
>possibly a liar


>hair looks frizzy

I conclude that she goes from a 5 to a 5.5. Would not sex also would not trust with my pizza