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Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms New Information on Null's Attorney (Matthew Hardin)

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Why is Joshua Moon making misleading claims about his attorney Matthew Hardin?
Matthew Hardin 1.jpg

Matthew Hardin 2.jpg

Matthew Hardin 3.jpg
Why is this misleading? Are you claiming that Matthew D. Hardin isn't allowed to rep Null in Texas? You're just posting a series of screenshots of Hardin using a mail delivery address in Livingston. TX while not being barred in Texas himself, expecting us to infer your argument from these screenshots, but I really don't get your point. What is your actual point? Are you claiming that Hardin is pretending to be a Texas lawyer when he's not? Is that it?

Matthew D. Hardin is Null's "pro hac vice" (aka "for this occasion") attorney in the State of Texas, as clearly stated on documents published on KF itself:


Hardin clearly states on his professional website that he works as a pro hac vice lawyer with other lawyers in different states, "in connection with a local attorney":

Where does Matt Hardin Practice?

From the heart of Washington, D.C., Matt represents clients nationwide. In addition to the District of Columbia, Matt is licensed to practice in six states and dozens of federal courts across the country. From the county courthouse to the U.S. Supreme Court and everywhere in between, Matt makes an effort to travel wherever his clients need him. If you need help and aren’t in a court where Matt regularly practices, he may also be able to represent you pro hac vice in connection with a local attorney. Even if Matt can’t help with your matter, he’ll do his best to help you find some one who can.

So again, where is your evidence that it's "misleading" for Null to claim that Matthew Hardin is his pro hac vice lawyer in Texas?

Just because Hardin is not himself barred in Texas itself doesn't mean he can't be granted permission by a Texas court to act as a pro hac vice lawyer, as long as he teams up with a barred Texas lawyer and doesn't attempt to rep Null on his own.

Do you know who Null's actual Texas lawyer is? Or are you just making assumptions that Null doesn't have a Texas lawyer and is now misrepresenting Hardin as his Texas lawyer by using that mail delivery address in Livingston, TX?

Can you cite any actual Texas process law for this apparent insinuation that it's "misleading" for Hardin to rep Null pro hac vice in Texas?